"Galaktika ERP" - one of the oldest domestic solutions for automation of the enterprises
"Galaktika ERP" is the full-scale management information system developed especially for large and medium-sized domestic enterprises. Systems capabilities "Galaktika ERP" provide the solution of a full range of managerial tasks – from maintaining different types of accounting and reporting before financial planning and production management. A system also provides effective implementation of a number of specialized tasks: management of repairs, product quality, construction, transport and some other.
Functionality of a system
Accounting functions
In the field of accounting the Galaktika ERP system provides effective solution of all range of the tasks connected with conducting accounting and tax accounting, formation of the corresponding reporting at the enterprises of the different industries and scales in the companies with multifilial and geographically distributed structure.
Accounting and tax accounting is kept in full accordance with the current legal acts of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan. "Galaktika ERP" also supports accounting and reporting in international standards (IAS, US GAAP). Reporting in national, international and corporate standards is executed due to conducting parallel accounting - according to national and international standards; broadcasts of postings from one accounting system in another and the subsequent reporting preparation; transformations of closing statements.
Distinctive features of the Galaktika ERP system in the field of accounting it is possible to call a possibility of flexible configuration of analytical accounting, formation of accounting records electronically (all forms correspond to regulations), support of diversity of accounts.
Management of finance
"Galaktika ERP" has the financial resources of the enterprise or company developed by potential for management and supports accomplishment of budgeting tasks, operational financial management, a financial analysis.
At financial planning (budgeting) a system will allow to create and model different versions of budgets, to carry out their approval and a statement, to create the actual indicators of the budget, to trace and analyze budget implementation, to make necessary corrections.
For operational management of cash flows "Galaktika ERP" gives an opportunity to carry out collecting and formation of requests for payments from functional divisions of the enterprise, to approve and approve requests, to create payment schedules and payment documents for payment according to financial liabilities and also to obtain actual data about cash flow and to create the budget of cash flow.
Use of the Galaktika ERP system also allows to create and consolidate financial reportings (including within holding and group), to transfer it to other standards, to analyze financial performance on the basis of multiple calculation procedures and the analysis.
Personnel management
For personnel management the Galaktika ERP system gives an opportunity to keep account and control of labor resources of the enterprise, to solve all range of the problems connected with employment (employment, movement on service) and dismissal, to keep personnel documentation, to calculate the salary, to keep a time recording and to analyze efficiency of its use, to keep the personified account, to prepare the internal and external reporting.
At logistics management the Galaktika ERP system supports management of contract activities, sales management and supply, inventory management and warehouse transactions, vendor relationship management and receivers, service of claims and claims, management of price lists, accounting of products on serial numbers.
Production management
In the field of production management the Galaktika ERP system automates all range of business processes, including: maintaining specification of products and manufacturing techniques; order management; production planning and corporate production planning; management of logistics; management of production logistics; controlling.
Are among distinctive features of the Galaktika ERP system for production management: support of the MRP-II standard; a possibility of control of profitability as the enterprises in general, and by separate orders, groups of goods, activities; compliance to real tasks of manufacturing enterprises of Russia and CIS countries; ability to integrate with solutions of class CAD, CAD/CAM, PDM and other specialized software.
At the enterprises of mechanical engineering and instrument making with job order type of production the Galaktika ERP system can be used in a complex with industry solution of Galaktika corporation - "Galaktika Project production". Application of the solution "Galaktika Project Production" will allow to automate accomplishment of such tasks as project management, carrying out the precontractual analysis of orders, management of production preparation, management of the main production at the intershop and intra shop level. Means of the Galaktika ERP system will solve problems of contract management, by sale, purchases, warehouse logistics, personnel, to repairs and also accounting, budgeting and management of cost value.
Specialized functions
In addition to the main managerial objectives, the Galaktika ERP system has functions for support of specialized tasks. At management of repairs and maintenance of the equipment a system allows to carry out planning of repairs, to define resource requirement, to keep account and the analysis accomplishment of repair work, to calculate planned and actual costs and to conduct archive of repair documentation.
Also using the Galaktika ERP system the processes connected with quality management and control of the quality level during the purchasing, production, sale of products can be automated.
In the field of construction management "Galaktika ERP" automates the business processes connected with capital construction of civil and industrial facilities. Using the design estimates a system allows to plan and consider terms and amounts of works and the resources used at accomplishment design and survey and installation and construction works.
For control of transport the Galaktika ERP system allows to conduct a card file of vehicles, drivers, buses and component parts; write out and process waybills, calculate a standard and actual cost of fuel and lubricants and fuel, to receive information on a status of vehicles, to timely direct them to maintenance and major repair; receive reports on technical and operational indicators of work of transport, maintenance of vehicles, use of fuels and lubricants and component parts, to expenses on compensation of drivers and also about customer relations, to solve some other problems.
Technology base ERP-sistemy
In the Galaktika ERP system the three-level architecture (a client-server of applications – a database server) and a possibility of combination of two - and three-level architecture within one installation is implemented. Use of the Galaktika ERP system does not require up-to-date computers. As DBMS depending on requirements of the enterprise customer Pervasive.SQL, MS SQL, Oracle can be used.
The Galaktika ERP system has modular structure. Each module is intended for automation of separate, narrow tasks. Modules are integrated in circuits which allow to automate all range of tasks of one data domain (for example, the Guidance loop by logistics, the Circuit of planning and production management). Such structure allows the customer to select that it is necessary for him: for example, to solve a problem of management of fixed assets there is no need to purchase completely all Circuit of accounting.
In the latest version of the Galaktika ERP system the step to the embodiment of the concept of component model is also taken: all units of a system are created in the components interacting among themselves via special interfaces, components are logically united in modules. Presence of versions at components allows to pass from updating of a system to updating of separate components that minimizes the customer's expenses.
One of the key principles which is the basis for the Galaktika ERP system, - innovation and openness for integration into the software of different developers. Support in the system of open standards of development (XML, COM, ActiveX, ODBC) gives the chance to carry out integration of the Galaktika ERP into any specialized or industry software, office applications. With products of third-party producers and creation of global distributed systems implementation in the system of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) and technologies of web services gives additional opportunities for integration of the Galaktika ERP.
Depending on tasks and resources the company has a possibility of creation and use of any system configuration "Galaktika ERP", optimum corresponding to specific needs of the enterprise, and with the maximum preserving of investments. At increase in number of users system performance, efficiency and uninterrupted operation of its work remain thanks to what "Galaktika ERP" can successfully be applied on large enterprises (in practice of Galaktika corporation there are executed projects when the quantity of jobs according to the Galaktika ERP system exceeded 1000).
Composition "Galaktika ERP" includes means for the centralized setup of parameters of a system, its updating, installation of necessary applications. It significantly increases security of a system, improves protection against unauthorized access and considerably facilitates process of its administration.
Features of system implementation
Executing the project of control automation, Galaktika not "invents the bicycle" and does not offer the customer revolutionary and unchecked methods, and relies on technologies which perfectly proved at hundreds of the enterprises of the same field of activity and scales of business. Standardization of corporate technologies of rendering services, regular actions for advanced training of staff of corporation allow to provide the high level of quality of the services provided to the customer.
The range of services of Galaktika corporation at accomplishment of control automation on the basis of the Galaktika ERP system includes IT consulting and project development of automation, input of a system in operation and carrying out (in need of) its integration into the software of other developers, training of specialists of the enterprise customer and also maintenance and development of a system. Unlike many developer companies, Galaktika executes the centralized support and updating of all functionality of the solutions. Irrespective of used configurations of solutions and the one who carried out their implementation (the corporation or its certified partner), the customer is protected from any risks which arise in need of change of versions or updating of functionality.
The Galaktika corporation has regional representative offices in Moscow, Minsk, Kiev, Alma-Ata, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Implementation services and to support of the Galaktika ERP system also render more than 200 partners of Galaktika corporation in Russia and neighboring countries that provides to customers reliable support in any region.
On average system implementation "Galaktika ERP" takes 6-18 months depending on what functionality of a system is implemented. At implementation there is no need to carry out works on additional programming of a system for the purpose of its adaptation to business processes of the customer. Functionality of the Galaktika ERP for 90% satisfies to requirements of domestic enterprises, other 10% are reached due to setup of a system.
Cost parameters of a system
The cost of the Galaktika ERP system and services in its implementation and maintenance is adequate to opportunities of domestic enterprises. The cost of 1 license averages from 14,000 rubles to 90,000 rubles depending on functionality. At the same time in Galaktika corporation the flexible schemes of payment for the services allowing to lower load of the budget of the customer and minimizing financial risks work.