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Light technologies of MSC (1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0)

Customers: Light technologies of MSC

Moscow; Electrical equipment and microelectronics

Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0
На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2018/05  - 2019/07
Number of licenses: 450



Completions in 1C: ERP 2.4

In July, 2019 the project on implementation 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 in MSC Light technologies was implemented. The contractor selected Koderlayn.

Specialists made completions in a 1C system: ERP 2.4 taking into account requirements of the customer, performed settings of loading and unloading of non-standard documents:

  • Settings of loading of documents on the executed services are added.
  • Unloading UAD (universal adjustment document) taking into account a SCD (cargo customs declaration) is modified.
  • Setup of unloading of UKD on the basis of return is created.
  • Loading UTD (universal transfer document) taking into account order lines in documents of the partner with breakdown by a SCD.
  • The algorithm of creation and filling of analytics in documents when loading from GSI is developed.

As a result of automation the company received modern and convenient tools for conducting managerial and tax accounting. Implementation of electronic document management helped:

  • Increase an exchange rate primary documents with partners.
  • Reduce influence of a human factor and emergence of errors when filling documents manually.
  • Lower labor costs on document handling.

Implementation of 1C:ERP

In 2019 the Light Technologies company implemented the product "1C ERP" (a class of systems - ERP).

Implementation is executed independently with involvement of specialists of Institute of Model Solutions and a number of specialists from the market.

The project is complete in March, 2019.