Customers: Zerto Contractors: Infinidat Product: InfiniBox F-серия DWHProject date: 2019/01 - 2019/09
2019: Optimization of infrastructure of data storage
On October 24, 2019 it became known that Zerto, the supplier of software solutions for disaster recovery and backup, replaced 16 arrays of storage from different producers with one powerful corporate system of storage of InfiniBox from Infinidat company. Using InfiniBox Zerto simplified storage infrastructure, optimized management, improved performance and availability, reduced the number of requirements to means of data processing centers, protected itself from obsolescence of architecture and it was prepared for future growth needlessly in the additional hardware.
We tried to receive a maximum from our last Wednesday of storage. Use of 16 different solutions for data storage turned management into this nightmare, and it affected our performance. We replaced our old arrays of storage with one InfiniBox and at once saw conversions in all directions. Besides that it improved productivity of personnel and also our flexibility, we saw that algorithms of a neural cache increased also performance which increase percent, in comparison with our old environment, is expressed in two-digit digit. We noticed it already on a test stage, speaks Miki Gershgoren, the director of Zerto IT infrastructure
Storage systems of InfiniBox eliminate traditional compromises between reliability, cost and performance on the scale of corporate storages. Thanks to the ease of use, scalability and performance necessary for support of high-performance workloads of a modern data processing center, InfiniBox allows the companies to spend from the different industries more time for the help to clients and scaling of business management storages less.
At the beginning of 2019 Zerto set the solution InfiniBox F4260 in Israel, in one of the four data processing centers which services groups of development and quality assurance. All laboratories and development environments of the company were connected in only four months, is twice faster, than was planned originally.
The InfiniBox installation in Israel represents the first of several stages of the project for satisfaction of business needs in which final Zerto is going to consolidate and scale storages. The hardware was deployed using one petabyte of available space of storage for start and two petabytes in the compressed mode, at the same time the planned increase should be not less than four petabytes in effective storage. Further the company is going to update data center in Boston and estimates the planned updates of functions of backup and disaster recovery for the global IT infrastructure of data storage.
Integrating systems in one solution for data storage and adding features for automation in architecture of storage, Zerto is ready to any future scenario with the maximum flexibility allowing just to increase easily and the capacity of storage now.