Customers: Cruz Contractors: 1C Architect of business (1AB Master) Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2018/10 - 2019/03
Number of licenses: 150
2019: Implementation 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0
In March, 2019 the project on implementation 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 in the company Cruz was implemented. The contractor it was selected by 1C Architect of business (1AB the Master).
Earlier regulated, operational and production accounting in Cruz LLC was conducted in different information systems. Activity in divisions was not synchronized. On data collection a lot of time left, discrepancies between statistics occurred in reports. It was difficult to plan purchase of raw materials for own industrial complexes. Delays could lead to equipment downtime or overproduction of canned food. The versatile tool of business process management of the company was required.
For implementation of the tasks it was decided to use opportunities "1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise management 2".
The Following Tasks Were Performed:
- Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
- Sale of the selected software products
- Delivery of software products in office of the customer
- Software installation on the customer's computers
Key results of the project:
- ERP system integrated work of divisions of Cruz LLC. The effective management of resources grew, closing dates of agreements were reduced, payment methods became simpler. The normative reference information and also document forms and reports are provided to uniformity. There are no errors and the facts of double entry. Employees have up-to-date data on the range, the prices and stock remainders.
- A system allows to conduct correct cost accounting of products that solved a problem of discrepancy of data in managerial and accounting accounting. The management in the online-mode gets acquainted with the reporting under projects, controls costs at all production phases and in advance estimates costs.
- There was an opportunity to analyze utilization of capacity. In a system it is easy to plan the range of a remaining balance of finished goods, optimal for every month, to adjust data taking into account seasonality of demand, stock remainders, safety stocks of batches. As a result the plants are fully provided with required amount of raw materials and products.
- The operational inventory control is organized, the general qualifiers of the nomenclature are used. It simplified carrying out inventories and accounting of merchandising between divisions.