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2019/11/05 16:53:05

Damavand (Demavend)

Damavand - the sleeping volcano in Ridge Elbrus (Alborz), in the north of Iran, in the southern part of the Province of Mazenderan. All ridge is conditionally separated into three parts – the Talysh Mountains, Central Elburs and the Turkmen-Khurasan mountains. Height of mountains fluctuates from 1500 to 5600 meters. The highest tops are Tochal, Kamar-kukh and Damavand. Damavand's height - 5671 meters above sea level. At top the crater with a diameter of 400 meters with the small lake is located.

Geologists characterize Damavand as stratovulkan. The conical shape and a sandwich structure which consists of alternation of the stiffened lava and volcanic ash is characteristic of similar educations. It happens because of high viscosity of a lava. It just does not manage to flow down on a slope and stiffens at once as soon as streams from a muzzle. So the layer behind a layer grew a cone which towers over the ridge on 1.5 kilometers now.

The fire-spitting giant was formed in a pleistocene. This geological period came to the end more than 12 thousand years ago. The last volcanic eruption occurred about 7,000 years ago. Now an upper part of slopes is covered by eternal ices, but here and there streams of the heated gases outside escape, sulfuric and mud sources rage.

In ancient Persia the activity of a volcano generated a legend of Bivarasbe – an evil ghost in an image of a monster with two snakes growing from shoulders. There are no doubts that at such appearance it only also did that terrorized local population. An end to lawlessness was put by the hero of the Persian epos Afridun. In a hard fight it managed to overcome a monster and to imprison him in the mountain. Since then through cracks fetid breath of Bivarasba outside escapes.

Damavand is the highest point of Iran and all Middle East, it is also considered the highest volcano in Asia.

Damavand — one of main characters of Iran.


The climate on Damavanda has pronounced seasonal nature. Spring and fall here very short. Six-seven months last a winter season, and about three months – summer.

Spring (May)

Ascension in May will be difficult, however the period will be estimated by fans of the nature. In the spring Damavand is especially beautiful, poppy begins to blossom at this time. May and June — the best months for the tourists preferring tracking.

Summer (June-August)

Summer – the best season for ascension on Damavand's top. Within three summer months of a track are usually free from snow, weather is favorable, and to the base camp it is possible to reach by public transport. The only minus — during this season is too much tourists and parking are crowded. Anyway, it is better to make ascension from June to August. It should be taken into account that weather on Damavanda is changeable and air temperature can fall below zero so even during the summer period it is worth taking care of warm clothes.

Fall (September)

At this time it is cold and windy, tourists on the mountain are not enough. Tracks are covered with ice. In it the period is recommended to have winter equipment.

Winter (October-April)

The winter on Damavanda usually begins in October and proceeds till April inclusive. Ascension during this period is risky because of strong wind (to 100 km/h) and adverse weather conditions.