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Virtual production systems


Implements the Virtual Factory project

Voloshin Anatoly Nikolaevich - 100%


The Virtual Production Systems company is engaged in project implementation Virtual factory which represents the online system of preparation and management of order fulfillment on production. CEO of Virtual Production Systems and the project manager, as of November, 2019, is Oleg Ponomarev.

Support of the company is given by the Agency of investment development (structural division of the regional Ministry of Economic Development and investments) based on which since 2019 the Project office on implementation of NTI in Perm Krai works.

2019: In Russia there will be Virtual factory taking orders online. The state selects 255 million rubles for the project

The Virtual Factory project will receive on the development more than 255 million rub from Fund of support of the NTI projects, - reported in the Ministry of information development and communication of Perm Krai.

Virtual factory as told TAdviser in the Ministry, - the first in own way in Russia. It represents the aggregator – virtual plant management and the production operator of a full stroke of execution of the order for contract manufacturing and order management. At the heart of factory - technology Big Data and Machine Learning.

Upon us the cyberphysical organization where actual production capacities (machines) which are in an every spot on the globe are integrated into network using industrial Internet of Things is created, – the project manager Oleg Ponomarev explained.

Task of factory, according to him, – to provide within 72 hours order placement from any place in the world, production planning, distribution of tasks, control of execution of the order and issue of accessories on further assembly in the geographical point set by the customer.

At the heart of Virtual factory - Big Data and Machine Learning technologies, - specify in the Ministry of information development and communication of Perm Krai (a photo - RVC)

That accuracy with which the factory works as Oleg Ponomarev noted, allows it to implement orders for production of parts and any industries completing for customers. In particular, space industry, defense industry, automotive industry, area of electronics and electrical equipment, power engineering, production equipment, production of the medical equipment, robotics, machine-tool construction, production of consumer goods.

Among the services offered by factory Oleg Ponomarev specified TAdviser accomplishment of orders on three, four and five axial machines with the numerical control (NC), cutting of sheet metal on the laser and hydroabrasive equipment, 3D - printing, FDM, SLA, SLS, MJF, DMLS/SLM, PolyJet. Also work on inclusion of other production equipment in a circuit of virtual factory is conducted.

Place the order at factory, according to Oleg Ponomarev, simply. It is necessary to take three steps: first, to load documentation of a product; secondly, to accept the order after evaluating its cost; in end – to perform acceptance of the delivered order.

According to Ponomarev, as of November, 2019, the Virtual Production Systems company together with Mechel Service and PEG companies creates a unified environment of purchases of materials for network production of factory. In 2020 the factory will develop also actively.

In 2020 we are going to develop infrastructure, to improve some components of factory and to start some more its components in work. In general the factory has more than 15 components. Among them, for example, such as module of fast order placement and multi-agent system of management. Besides, in 2020 testing of a business model of additional charge of production capacities on real orders of factory will begin. Testing of factory will happen within the agreement on coordination of efforts of "Virtual production systems" with the NTI Center of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU). There will be Besides, an interaction to the Perm "Mirror engineering center" of the Perm scientific and education center, – Oleg Ponomarev told TAdviser.

The company is going complete all work on the project of Virtual factory, according to him, by 2023. After that, according to calculations of "Virtual production systems", the project should come for replication and scaling through the whole country and also working off and implementation of technologies of factory of the next generation.

It is going to complete all work on the project of Virtual factory by 2023, - Oleg Ponomarev said (a photo -

In addition to the companies of Perm Krai as Oleg Ponomarev noted, the production capacities are ready to provide to the project the enterprises from Moscow, Kaliningrad, Voronezh, Samara, Ufa, Izhevsk, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok. With these enterprises the Virtual Production Systems company signs the relevant agreements. At the same time, according to Ponomarev, the part of production sites is already connected to a monitoring system of virtual factory.

The base of machines for the first year of work of virtual factory was gained less than in a month, selection of manufacturers on connection in the second and the next years of the project is now conducted. Connection of all production sites to factory is performed according to the diagram. Every year their quantity will increase with a big progression", – Oleg Ponomarev specified TAdviser.

He also noted that by 2026 digital chains of production and delivery not less than 2.35 thousand CNC machines, 3D - printings, casting under pressure as the company is going to connect to factory of production, located not only in Russia, but also beyond its limits will be united in a unified environment of planning of factory.

Designate TAdviser what productions will be connected to factory, Oleg Ponamarev refused because of the signed bilateral agreement about nondisclosure of confidential information (Nda) with a number of the companies owners of production capacities.

It and the enterprises from the field of small and medium business, and the large enterprises of MIC state corporations which are guided by diversification and the advancing implementation of new forms of production organization. By the way, before inclusion in network we carry out qualification of each manufacturer, – Oleg Ponomarev explained.

He did not provide data on the project cost of TAdviser because of confidentiality of information, however noted that in the first three years the project will demand private investments. Further, according to Ponomarev, the project is going to develop at the expense of own means.

As of November as Oleg Ponomarev reported TAdviser, the Virtual Production Systems company conducts negotiations with a pool of private investors.

{{the quote|From the largest – WEB Ventures. With this company we are in process of approval of "control points" of cooperation, - Oleg Ponomarev.} specified }

Speaking about customers of services of factory, he noted that in the course of preparation of the project the Virtual Production Systems company reached preliminary agreements on orders for total amount more than 2.5 billion rubles.

In the course of preparation of the Virtual Factory project the Virtual Production Systems company reached preliminary agreements on orders for total amount more than 2.5 billion rubles, - Oleg Ponomarev noted (a photo -

Oleg Ponomarev also told TAdviser about basic reasons of creation of virtual factory.

The cooperation relationship in the bulk of industrial enterprises of Russia is built up inefficiently, the market not transparent. There is a great pent-up demand in effective implementation of orders for production services of different character, at the same time there is a large number of not loaded production capacities. Against the background of it the country is faced by a problem of diversification of production of a MIC and also increase in a share of purchases at the enterprises of small and medium business. Our project effectively closes all these spaces, - Oleg Ponomarev noted.

In the Ministry of information development and communication of Perm Krai the attention of TAdviser was also drawn that the Virtual Factory project is implemented in logic of the Tekhnet market of NTI (such "end-to-end technologies" developed by NTI as the advanced production technologies) and eliminates the technology barriers connected with the "Creation, Development and Promotion of the Advanced Technologies, Products and Services Providing Priority Positions of the Russian Companies in the Created Global Markets" direction of NTI.

Concerning uniqueness of virtual factory, Oleg Ponomarev noticed that earlier in the world attempts to create platforms of the so-called "exchanges of capacities" were made.

Other projects appeared more likely as a part of CRM or other internal processes of corporations and as result, the had "professional deformations". All of them were impractical. At the same time, there are also rather interesting similar projects. The best of them received investments in China, the USA and Germany, - Oleg Ponomarev told, having added that the company knows the competitors, analyzes their best practices and at project development considered all already existing practices.

According to information of the Ministry of information development and communication of Perm Krai, "Virtual production systems" - the first Perm company which got approval from the NTI project committee. In total from the region 14 applications were submitted for financing of fund of support of the NTI projects. In general the fund from 2016 to 2018 provided financing to 31 projects through the whole country.

Perm Krai is one of nine regions of Russia implementing "road map" of NTI. In 2019 as informed in the Ministry of information development and communication of Perm Krai, within "road map" of implementation of NTI in the region for 2019-2021 it was revealed and analyzed on compliance to requirements of NTI of 103 Perm projects, 70 of them – it is accepted in further study after which 18 projects were announced on support in the NTI key funds.

2018: Creation of the company

The Virtual Production Systems company, according to the USRLE, is formed at the beginning of 2018 in Perm. According to the company - purposefully under the Virtual Factory project.

Before creating "Virtual production systems", according to Ponomarev, the project team Virtual factory within several years developed his concept, checked hypotheses, technologies, prepared him for start. Together with the international holding on certification the IMQ command carried out working off and harmonization of standards of a new form of production organization, mean virtual factory, with international.