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En + Group integrated fleet management from 3000 vehicles using 1C

Customers: En + Group (En +)

Mechanical and Instrument Engineering

Product: 1C-Rarus: Transport logistics, forwarding and control of motor transport

Project date: 2019/06  - 2019/11
Number of licenses: 1500

2019: Implementing solution "1C: Transport logistics, forwarding and control of CORP motor transport"

On December 2, 2019 the 1C-Rarus company reported that the company En + Group integrated control of motor transport of the power enterprises in 21 child organizations using "1C: Transport logistics, forwarding and control of CORP motor transport". In the created system account of 3000 vehicles by a uniform technique is kept. There was an opportunity to estimate the cost of ownership of transport for further optimization of vehicle fleet. The quality of rendering transport services grew.

En+ Group

As of December, 2019 as a part of the power enterprises En + Group of 80 child organizations, 21 of which owns motor transport, and four render transport services to other organizations. To the project information management systems were used by motor transport (IC) only at three enterprises, were not integrated among themselves and had different functionality. Other organizations had to keep account of transport in accounting programs and on paper without detailed analytics. Existence of several ICs imposed additional difficulties and costs for IT maintenance.

For increase in effective management of motor transport there was a need to unify techniques of accounting of the vehicles (V) at all enterprises of group. Tools of value assessment of ownership of vehicle fleet were required. It was necessary to provide the centralized acceptance and accounting of requests for the CU that would allow to control quality of transport services. For achievement of the designated purposes the decision to implement the uniform IC was made.

As the platform for a system the solution "is used by 1C: Transport logistics, forwarding and control of CORP motor transport" which developer is 1C-Rarus. Implementation and completion of functionality of a system is performed by En + Didzhital company – the joint center on IT service of the enterprises En + Group.

The IC integrated accounting in four transport and 17 not transport organizations. As of December, 2019 in a system 1500 employees work and account of 3000 transport units is kept. The solution is integrated with other systems of the company: a corporate system of management based on "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management", "1C: Enterprise Accounting", "1C: Payroll and HR Management", "BOSS-personnel officer". Integration allowed to reflect costs for transport in all accounting systems at a uniform entry point of data.

During the project a system was adapted for business requirements of EuroSibEnergo company which manages power assets of En + Group:

  • calculation of a rate for a subscription fee is added;
  • time of opening of the waybills (W), calculation and formation of the commodity-transport documents (CTD) is reduced;
  • mechanisms of control of correctness of entering of data into PL and TTD are implemented;
  • accounting of different types of fuel and materials on different items of expenditure within one cost plan is implemented.

Project Results:

  • Techniques of accounting of transport (reference books of models of machines, analytics by the CU) and cost allocation methods are unified.
  • Registration and order management for the CU happens in a single system that allows to judge correctly load of transport, to monitor accomplishment of requests, to estimate and control quality of transport services.
  • Automatically the optimal route is selected. The route constructed in the program is compared with actual, deviations are fixed. The current location of cars, orders and the constructed routes is reflected in the card and allows to control transportations in the online mode.
  • The efficiency of vehicle fleet is calculated on each CU on coefficients of technical readiness of the park, release to the line and working time of employees.
  • There was an opportunity to analyze the cost of ownership of vehicle fleet, both own, and leased, by a technique, uniform for all enterprises. The cost is determined by direct and laid on costs. It helps to compare the cost of ownership similar to the CU both at one enterprise, and on different.
  • Account of all performed works on repair and maintenance, accounting of supplies is kept. A system allows to reflect the repair executed by own forces and forces of the contractor.
  • The salary of drivers is calculated taking into account different payment methods (time, price-work, etc.), taking into account different tariffing on different vehicles and taking into account coefficients - for example, work at night. Account of the road accidents and penalties which are written out to drivers is kept.

"The single system allows to obtain data with that detail and with those analysts which are necessary for reasonable decision making. The created system will be used in other organizations having motor transport. We are going to develop functionality, first of all – responsible for planning: optimization of loading of transport, distribution of employees. The purpose – to increase even more quality of transport services, to accelerate processing of requests, to reduce idle times and failures of orders",

noted Tatyana Socol, the project manager