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Dual Energy (software for display of soft fabrics on X-ray)

Developers: Carestream Health
Date of the premiere of the system: December, 2019
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

2019: Software presentation for x-rays of boneless soft fabrics

At the beginning of December, 2019 the Carestream Health company submitted at an annual meeting of Society of radiologists of North America to Chicago the software of Dual Energy which allows to receive x-rays of soft tissues of thorax with the remote drawing of bone structures (and also the corresponding images of a skeleton without soft fabrics).

New software, developed on the basis of the Eclipse program for image processing, uses two filtering materials for switching between highly - and low-energy influence. Such approach using the differential filter optimizes both x-ray ranges, allowing to reach optimum efficiency of radiation. This technology also provides a high image quality on the exposure equivalent to the standard roentgenogram of a thorax.

Carestream Health submitted the innovation software for roentgenography
At accomplishment of standard roentgenography of a thorax soft fabrics and bone structures are imposed at each other in the picture. Thanks to new approach the radiologist can configure the image so that to focus on specific defect of lungs or a bone tissue. During removal of bone structures (and vice versa, during removal of soft fabrics) images of lungs purchase much bigger clarity, - the manager on international marketing of radiological Carestream technologies Sarah Verna explained.

Developers hope that Dual-Energy will allow to increase specificity and sensitivity of diagnostics. Meanwhile software of Dual Energy trains in work so much with pictures of a thorax, however developers are going to expand indications to use. It is expected that Dual Energy will be added as one of functions of the DRX-Evolution Plus system started in February, 2020.[1]
