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2019/12/11 15:00:42

Internet of feelings



Ericsson ConsumerLab published the research devoted to 10 main consumer trends at the end of 2019. The Internet of feelings became a primary subject - it is service economy, provided using digital sensors and involving all sense organs: sight, hearing, taste, sense of smell and touch. The Internet of feelings will be created by the services created based on advanced technologies among which the artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), a 5G and automation[1].

Users who the first begin to apply new technologies wait for emergence of the Internet of feelings and believe that by 2030 service economy, provided using digital sensors will be created.

The human brain will play a role of the user interface - there will be a new paradigm of interaction between people and devices in which devices will react to thoughts of people.

Most of users of digital technologies hope that thanks to the Internet of feelings people will begin to treat the environment more responsibly.

The residents of Moscow ready to use non-standard services participated in a research.

Researchers made the report on the basis of approach to a research of opinions and estimates of 46 million people which the first begin to use new technologies. Participants of a research expect that the Internet of feelings will gain universal distribution by 2030. According to a research, by this time more and more serious competition to electronic devices will be made by services using sensors which will become almost inseparable elements of physical reality.

New entertaining services with effect of augmented reality and shopping on the Internet and also threat of global warming and, as a result, aspiration of people to minimize the impact of the activity on ecology will contribute to most of all development of the Internet of feelings.

The head of Ericsson Consumer & IndustryLab and one of authors of the report Pernilla Jonson says: "It is about transition from smartphones as devices for connection to the Internet to use of the services based on augmented reality involving our sense organs. Augmented rReality glasses will become a starting point. We did not expect, how far users came in the ideas of how our everyday life thanks to the sensors connected to network, artificial intelligence technologies, augmented and virtual reality, a 5G and automation will change".

The head of the direction of researches and one of authors of the report of Ericsson Consumer & IndustryLab Michael Byyorn notes: "Already now we should take into account to an opportunity and problems of the world in which all human feelings will be tsifrovizirovana. For example, many spheres of life should be tsifrovizirovat for reduction negative influence on climate: you can go to work, go to a holiday and travel all over the world, without leaving the house. Users predict possible problems with ensuring confidentiality of personal data on the Internet of feelings. For example, the public can concern an opportunity to manipulate feelings with a sales objective of goods or services. Understanding it, people expect acceptance of necessary measures and receiving guarantees".

Researchers revealed 10 consumer trends of the Internet of feelings of 2030:

  • The first - navigation power of thought. The necessary route can be seen in VR glasses, having just thought of the destination. 59% of users, and in Moscow - 54% of respondents believe in it on average.
  • The second - ideal simulation of a voice. 67% of users consider that they will be able to imitate using the microphone others voice so authentically that will mislead even family members. In Moscow this indicator is higher than an average - 81%.
  • The third trend - any taste on your taste. There will be digital devices for a mouth improving taste of food, - any dish will remind your favourite. 45% of respondents and 32% of respondents from Moscow hope for it on average.
  • The fourth trend of the Internet of feelings - digital aromas. About six of 10 users expect a digital opportunity to happen in the country and to inhale characteristic smells of country life, without leaving the apartment.
  • The fifth - feelings without borders: more than 60% of respondents wait for emergence of smartphones which screens take the form of digital icons and transfer feelings from clicking of buttons.
  • The sixth trend - merge of the worlds. According to assessment of seven of 10 respondents, the world of games based on VR technologies will be we will not distinguish from physical reality by 2030.
  • The seventh - only the truth and anything except. Fake news can end - a half of respondents consider that by 2030 the news agencies will carefully check the facts. In Moscow this opinion is shared by 55%.
  • One more trend - consumption bravely for personal data. A half of respondents consider that they lost control over the personal data, - people hope for solution which will allow without concerns to use services on the basis of personal information.
  • The ninth trend - the Internet on advantage of ecology. Thanks to opportunities of the Internet of feelings society will treat more responsibly ecology - so considers six of 10 respondents in general and 39% of respondents from Moscow.
  • The tenth - shopping with feelings. 45% of users believe that marketplaces will offer an opportunity to use all five sense organs in the course of shopping on the Internet. In Moscow this opinion is shared by 51% of respondents.

The report included the data obtained by Ericsson ConsumerLab generally during the online polls held in October, 2019 among advanced Internet users from 15 megalopolises of the world - Bangkok, Delhi, Jakarta, Johannesburg, London, Mexico City, Moscow, New York, San Francisco, São Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney and Tokyo.

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