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The construction of substations Maloderbetovskaya and Yashkulskaya for solar power plants in Kalmykia is completed

Customers: Hevel solar Avelar Solar Technology

Contractors: MOUTH
Product: Complex projects of creation of the engineering systems

Project date: 2019/06  - 2019/11

2019: Completion of construction of substations Maloderbetovskaya and Yashkulskaya

On December 13, 2019 ROTEK company reported that her specialists completed the construction and handed over to the customer two objects of network infrastructure in the south of Russia: step-up substations PS of 10/110 kV Maloderbetovskaya and Yashkulskaya. They are intended for issue capacities of two solar power plants with a total power of 120 MW, built by Hevel company.


On substations the modern equipment is installed: voltage transformers 110 kV TCVT 123 and nonlinear voltage limiters 3EL2 110-2PM31-4NE1, current transformers of 110 kV of TG145N and transformers of own needs.


It is remarkable that the idea of construction of solar power plants in the south of Russia in Kalmykia it was discussed during the joint expedition of the old partner of the companies POTEK and Hevel, famous traveler Fedor Konyukhov and president Republics of Kalmykia of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. The first stage of the International research expedition "In the wake of Great Shelkovy of a way", passed in 2002 just through territories in which for December, 2019 building of modern solar generation comes to an end.

Crossing the region rich with the sun astride camels, Fedor Konyukhov discussed the idea of use of this natural gift.

Specialists of the companies Hevel and ROTEK made this idea a reality.

Forecast annual development of the first stage of Maloderbetovskaya and two queues of Yashkulsky SES makes more than 58 million kWh that will provide decrease in amount of emissions of CO2 by 60 thousand tons annually.