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Cloud4Y provided to service of mounting of Shinokhran IT infrastructure and RDP

Customers: Shinokhran

Moscow; Transport

Contractors: Cloud4Y (Fleks LLC)
Product: Cloud4Y IaaS

Project date: 2019/06  - 2019/11

2019: Transition to cloud infrastructure

On December 23, 2019 the Cloud4Y company reported that it provided Shinokhran companies IT infrastructure and RDP.

Shinokhran looked for the cloud provider capable quickly and cheap to provide the necessary quantity of virtual desktops and also to resolve an issue of maintenance of the server hardware.

Having estimated convenience of work with service from Cloud4Y, Shinokhran signed the agreement with provider, having transferred the data to Cloud4Y cloud. For December, 2019 the company works on the IaaS model, using cloud capacities.

By Shinokhran it is completely saved from need to service IT infrastructure as data are stored on a cloud server of Cloud4Y. And thanks to remote desktops, the staff of the company "is not tied" to office any more and can work with data at any time and from any point of Moscow or other city.

One more important advantage of cooperation of Shinokhran company with Cloud4Y provider — cost reduction on IT infrastructure. The company can scale quantity of virtual desktops and quickly provide to the accepted employees a full-fledged working space.