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Rostelecom provided telecommunication services to floating atomic thermal power plant on Chukotka

Customers: Rosenergoatom, Federal State Unitary Enterprise concern

Contractors: Rostelecom
Product: Services of telephony and communication

Project date: 2019/05  - 2019/10

On December 26, 2019 Rostelecom announced that the company provided modern telecommunication services to floating nuclear power station on Chukotka

In the conditions of permafrost Rostelecom laid about 5 km of the communication fiber lines (CFL), provided FNTPP satellite links, Internet access, local and intercity telephone communication. For quick response in emergency situations specialists of the company organized allocated channels and short numbers for communication with the governor of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Office of Civil Defense and to emergencies of the district, Pevek's head and a dispatcher station of the Northern electric networks of JSC Chukotenergo.

FNTPP, Rosenergoatom Concern
The organization of communication on strategically important object located in the most northern city of Russia — huge responsibility. Of course, it is not simple to work in the conditions of the tundra and permafrost. Our specialists passed test cold, unpredictable climate, in huge distances between localities. It is really unique project which does not have analogs in the world. It is pleasant to realize that Rostelecom participated in such grandiose case,

— Elena Hitrova, the director of the Khabarovsk branch PJSC Rostelecom told

The FNTPP consists of the floating power unit Academician Lomonosov and onshore hydraulic engineering constructions. The station is equipped with two reactor KLT-40S installations which are capable to develop up to 70 MW of the electric power and 50 Gcal/h of thermal energy in a nominal operating mode. In the long term the FNTPP should replace the generating capacities of the Chaun-Bilibinsky power unit taken out of service — Chaunsky combined heat and power plant to Peveke and the Bilibino NPP in Bilibino.

Let's remind, earlier Rostelecom created a highly reliable corporate data network for JSC Rosenergoatom Concern (enters into ROSATOM State Corporation), which integrated nine nuclear power stations in Northwest, Central, Volga region, Southern and Ural federal districts.