7signal Solutions
Information technologies
Since 2007
North America
6155 Rockside Road, Suite 110, Independence, Ohio 44131
Since 2007
North America
6155 Rockside Road, Suite 110, Independence, Ohio 44131
Company 7signal Solutions Inc. it was founded in 2007 in the USA, is engaged in development of the cloud software for network management and Wi - Fi - analysts which allows to regulate interaction of users in network.
According to information for January, 2020, sensors 7signal and mobile applications for iOS and Android obtain state-of-health data of Wi-Fi-network of the enterprise of any scale, and the mechanism of analytics provides these data as convenient indicators to a browser panel, giving to network administrators an opportunity of instant monitoring of performance level of Wi-fi in real time. 7signal provides solutions for improvement of wireless technologies for the organizations around the world.