FAQ. Frequent problems and versions of solutions...
Color lookup table
Execution of tables
The size of the photo of a logo in the questionnaire of the person or the company
Gruzdev.jpg {{!}} of left {{!}} 150px{{!}} or
Gruzdev.jpg {{!}} of thumb {{!}} right {{!}} 250px{{!}} Sergey Gruzdev
- Example - Gruzdev Sergey Lvovich
Make a reference from the picture to article of TAdviser?
In standard of the Wiki marking the link in the text of article usually conducts with an illustration on the file of this illustration. If you want to set a hyperlink from an illustration to other article of TAdviser, use this simple marking: [[Image:ИмяФайлаСрасширением|ТекстАльта|link=Статья:Заголовок|left]]
Connection of video with Youtube
- This tag needs to be registered in the selected place of the selected article
- Information on function >>>
- Example - SAP released the first software on the basis of "cloud"
Loading of video of FLV
Video is inserted so
- to this address the video file is loaded
- in article body where there has to be video this code registers
<flvplayertwo width="УКАЗАТЬ РАЗМЕР ПО ШИРИНЕ" height="УКАЗАТЬ РАЗМЕР ПО ВЫСОТЕ" autoPlay="false" autoBuffering="false">NAME of the file.flv</flvplayertwo>
- Information on function >>>
- The example is Lawson e-Sales in Wimm-Bill-Dann company
Rules of an execution of links
Example: [[Product:Case]] - link to the questionnaire of an IT system Case.
To set a link name, it is necessary to enter after the link in brackets|an imya_ssylka
Example: [[Product:Case|Case]]
The name of the link with a link to the gone document (for example, pdf)
Example: [[File:Mert2docsvision.pdf|Download the project description>>]]
In shops of Svyaznoy many services are provided to visitors: from purchases of gadgets, to ample opportunities of payment of different services. We are interested in that payments were most convenient for users of terminals. The possibility of acceptance for payment of bank cards of MasterCard with electronic chips is the next step on providing even more convenient service for visitors of shops. Dmitry Shilov, chief of the department of automation of financial products of the Svyaznoy group
-1 XLIFFService: Sequence contains no elements Dmitry Shilov, chief of the department of automation of financial products of the Svyaznoy group: "In shops of Svyaznoy many services are provided to visitors: from purchases of gadgets, to ample opportunities of payment of different services. We are interested in that payments were most convenient for users of terminals. The possibility of acceptance for payment of bank cards of MasterCard with electronic chips is the next step on providing even more convenient service for visitors of shops."
<ref name=""></ref> (it is necessary to insert between quotes any Latin letter) this tag should look here so: <ref name="q">[the reference to the source a material name from where is taken information]</ref> and at the end of the page to add the tag ==Notes== {{notes}}
-1 XLIFFService: Sequence contains no elements
Article of day <div style="background-color:
We invite to work on article <div style="background-color:
Photo of day | -1 XLIFFService: Sequence contains no elements
<div style="background-color:
Did you know… <div style="background-color:
The top officials | -1 XLIFFService: Sequence contains no elements
<div style="background-color:
Subjects <div style="background-color:
IT passport <div style="background-color:
Technopark |
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Article of day | -1 XLIFFService: Sequence contains no elements
Article of day | -1 XLIFFService: Sequence contains no elements
Article of day |