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2020/02/18 07:59:58

Business climate of the IT companies in Russia


Main article: IT market of Russia

2019: 51% of the IT organizations characterized business climate for development of IT in Russia as "rather favorable"

On February 17, 2020 the Center of tactical researches of Institute of statistical investigations and economy of knowledge of the National research university "Higher School of Economics" provided information and analytical material about business and digital climate in the organizations of the sphere of information and technology services in 2019.

In the overview results of pilot inspections of tactical polls more than 600 IT organizations are used (are carried out by ANO IITs Statistika Rossii by request ISIEZ Higher School of Economics National Research University in 30 subjects of the Russian Federation in the annual mode).

Business climate

According to results of pilot inspection, the Russian IT segment in 2019 showed powerful escalation of the converting trends which caused its transition from a slow status of development to a phase of active growth. After the three-year period of difficult rehabilitation (2016 — 2018) when the IT organizations moderately moved away from a crisis bottom of 2015 showing modest recovery, the happened pulse breakthrough updated a landscape of business climate and put a certain potential for its further improvement.

The majority of the indicators included in the program of observation a progressive tense being defined it is accented by negative estimates of respondents, got rid of negative dynamics and changed the values to positive for the first time since 2014. The positive changes of the main resulting indicators of activity of the IT organizations mentioned in results of monitoring, were followed by improvement of moods of respondents in comparison with 2018 regarding the expressed opinions on a status of business climate for development of IT services in general. In 2019 63% of survey participants against 57% in 2018 characterized the developed business climate for information technology development in Russia as favorable and/or rather favorable; the opposite opinion was expressed 21 against 29%.

These researches ISIEZ of Higher School of Economics National Research University

Owing to the expressed improvement of endogenous parameters of business activity, significant for a segment, the updated trajectory of the movement was shown by the main indicator of a research – the index of entrepreneurial confidence (IEC) in the field of information and technology services which value at the end of 2019 grew in comparison with 2018 by 5 items to (+8%), having become the best result at least for the last 5 years of observations.

These researches ISIEZ of Higher School of Economics National Research University

The ascending dynamics of the index was caused by all three of its components, however most the balance of entrepreneurial estimates of the actual shift in demand on services of the IT organizations which left a negative zone of values contributed significantly to its growth having increased by 11 items and was (+8%). Remained two the making IPU — balances of entrepreneurial estimates of the developed economic situation and the expected demand for services rendered less expressed, but also positive impact on its trajectory.

The change of the majority of negative industry trends was followed by changes in the operating segments in the market of IT services. Detailing of results of inspection for the purpose of the analysis of a status of business climate of his key representatives — direct integrators of IT services, allows to note that the general trend among such IT organizations, became essential, and within separate activities — the explosive growth of business activity relatively 2018.

These researches ISIEZ of Higher School of Economics National Research University

Preserving of the most favorable business climate, against the background of strengthening of an environment, is recorded in the IT organizations which are engaged in the centralized data processing (CDP) — growth of IPU with (+12%) to (+19%), information security — with (+17%) to (+19%); installation and support of the equipment, including training and trainings — with (+15%) to (+18%).

At the same time it should be noted noticeable surge in activity of service providers in the segments of the IT sphere which are engaged in software development (software) and consultations in this area (growth of IPU relatively was 2018 12 items to (+16%)), electronic trading and marketing (growth by 11 items to (+14%)) and outsourcing (growth by 7 items to (+10%)).

Digital climate

The analysis of technology reference points in terms of demand of different digital solutions from the enterprises of the industry and also the organizations of construction, trade and the financial sphere with the high and average level of demand for services in the development area of digital technologies showed the expressed industry dispersion, confirming escalation of processes of digital development of the IT organizations.

These researches ISIEZ of Higher School of Economics National Research University

The leading positions among the specified types of activity on a scope of demand for technologies were taken by the organizations of the financial sphere and trade. At the same time the financial segment showed absolute domination on demand in the development area of Big Data technologies and analytics; solutions blockchain; cloud services; the artificial intelligence (AI) regarding neural networks and machine learning; programs for implementation of AI and chat-bots.

Trade organizations, despite distancing from the leader, steadily followed him, showing on a number of technologies not only high associativity, but also domination. The minimum gap with the organizations of the financial sphere is recorded on demand of developments mobile applications; websites; technologies of information security; intelligent systems video analysts and also analogs of foreign software in segments of B2G and B2B. At the same time maximum requirement retailers appeared regarding the technologies extending in this sphere 3D - printings; Internet of Things; added and virtual reality; business automation.

The industrial and construction organizations in estimates of respondents of the IT organizations were characterized by more modest demand for services, however, despite some separation from the sphere of finance and trade, the need for development of separate technological solutions at them was at the same level, as at leaders, and sometimes above.

In the industry especially obviously designated trends were traced on Big Data technologies and analysts (having outstripped trade and having taken the second place after financial institutions); information security; 3D - printings; Internet of Things; analogs of foreign software in segments of B2G and B2B.

The construction organizations, being according to respondents the expressed outsiders in comparison with other three segments, were characterized weak, but after all by the prevailing demand to development of green technologies and platforms for unmanned vehicles and drones.

Against the background of the revealed accents in a sprosovy situation distribution of estimates of respondents by the developed level of developments of technologies in the IT organizations demonstrates pronounced dispersion of digital competences of an IT segment.

These researches ISIEZ of Higher School of Economics National Research University

Technologies which razrabatyvayemost was estimated by respondents as low appeared in the majority. Only 4 of 11 technological solutions were in the IT companies at the high and average level of development: Big Data and analytics (noted 33% of respondents), cloud services (28%), information security (22%) and mobile applications (20%).

The average share of the IT organizations in which further development of technologies is planned made 6%. Among the most perspective digital directions heads designated a blockchain — solutions; mobile applications; technologies in the field of neural networks, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

These researches ISIEZ of Higher School of Economics National Research University
"In general, a ratio of estimates of demand and level of developments of digital solutions emphasizes a trend of industry and technology separation as in the context of the developed demand on services of the IT organizations, and their potentialities for developments and the subsequent integration. At the same time, in the separate directions of digital development the IT segment locates rather powerful competences for their implementation allowing to satisfy the developed demand.

Industry and construction: on the majority of digital solutions technological capabilities of an IT segment successfully and with a stock are capable to cover requirements of the high and average level of demand of these customers.
Trade and financial sphere: extent of development of the majority of technologies in an IT segment was insufficient for retailers and financial institutions. The scale of orders by different digital solutions significantly exceeded the level of their razrabatyvayemost in the IT organizations. For leveling of the existing gap in the context of relevance of expectations of customers, it is necessary to continue to increase digital competences of the development area of mobile applications; technologies of information security; solutions blockchain; programs for implementation of artificial intelligence technologies and chat-bots",

2017: IPU of +2% and positive expectations on the majority of indicators

In November, 2017 the Center of tactical researches of Institute of statistical investigations and economy of knowledge of the National research university "Higher School of Economics" the analytical material about a status of business climate in the organizations of the sphere of information and technology services in the II half-year 2017 prepared within the basic researches of Higher School of Economics National Research University.

In material results of pilot inspection of business activity more than 600 organizations rendering IT services, ANO Statistika Rossii who is carried out by request of Higher School of Economics National Research University in 2017 are used.

The business climate becomes favorable

Results of pilot inspection of business activity of the organizations rendering it is information – technology services, allow to note that at the end of 2017 in the industry mainly favorable adjusting changes continued. It should be noted that 57% of survey participants characterized the developed business climate for information technology development in Russia as "favorable".

Against the background of 2015, obviously crisis for integrators of IT services, and compensation 2016, during a current period the dominating negative dynamics of last years considerably was reduced. At the same time, positive changes were traced also in the expected estimates on the majority of indicators for 2018.

As a result of almost triple improvement of all the component of the main composite indicator of a research, the index of entrepreneurial confidence (IEC) left a negative zone of the values in which it stayed since 2014. As a result, at the end of 2017 IPU reached (+2) %, having improved on 6 items in comparison with value, recorded in 2016.

Dynamics of the index of entrepreneurial confidence and its information and technology services making in the organizations of the sphere

The greatest noticeable positive impact on the IPU loudspeaker was made from two of its components: the flowing and expected demand for services which significant reduction of negative trends, was a basic recovery condition of formation of positive dynamics of IPU.

In particular, in the analyzed period, the share of the heads noting increase in demand for the rendered services increased at the end of 2017 up to 18%, and the balance of estimates of change of an indicator was (-3%) against (-21%) and (-10%) recorded in 2015 and 2016, respectively. The noticeable positive trend of growth of this indicator was traced also regarding its projections given by heads of the companies: about 30% of the polled respondents expect further increase in portfolio of orders at the expense of new agreements in 2018. The balance of expectations of demand for services of the organizations increased from (+7) % to (+11%).

* Balance — the difference of shares of the respondents who noted "increase" and "reduction" of an indicator in comparison with a previous period and also the difference of shares of the respondents who estimated indicator level as "above normal" and "below normal" in the inspected period.

Estimates of own competitiveness grow

One of the bright trends contributing to the development of the IT organizations during 2017 should consider strengthening of competitiveness of the organizations of rather preceding periods what more than 20% of heads of firms announced. Weakening of the position was stated only by 5% of respondents. The balance sheet measure value made +9%, against +4% the previous year.

In general, more than 70% of heads of firms continued to estimate the developed competitiveness level normal. And functioning of business was followed by some easing of concentration of competitors. The balance sheet value of this indicator at the end of 2017 was +7%, against +9% in 2016.

Dynamics of estimates of competitiveness and concentration of competitors of the organizations of the sphere of information and technology services (balances, %)

Expressing rather developed competitive advantages of the companies, 40% of heads reported that the rendered services have high consumer qualities and have the exclusive properties. An identical share of respondents considered that services are definitely won in the market, however they still need to be strengthened and informed target audience, and 5% in general stated lack of analogs of offers in the market. The fact of noncompetitiveness of the services and their easy vulnerability, in sense of possible piracy, 4 and 24% of entrepreneurs, respectively noted.