Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



Alexander Skvortsov was born in 1962 in Tula.

After the termination of the Tula polytechnical institute worked as the engineer, then – the chief of research laboratory NPO Splav.

Headed research and production company "Avto-Revers", then – Takt LLC.

In March, 1999 founded the Tula regional branch insurance of the company Soglasie and became his head. The branch for many years is the leader of insurance market Tula region in property insurance, car insurance and cargo insurance.


Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior research associate, academician of the International academy of management.


For February, 2020 - the author more than 70 scientific publications and inventions which part is taken advantage of the Russian army.


On February 18, 2020 SK of Soglasie announced that to the director Tula of regional branch insurance of the company of Soglasie Alexander Skvortsov the honorary title "The honored economist of the Russian Federation" is given. state Russian Federation The order "About Rewarding with Awards" was signed by the president Vladimir Putin.