Customers: Tula State Arms Museum Tula; Show business, leisure, sport Contractors: SoftExpert Product: Case (EOS Group)Project date:
In Tula State Arms Museum the first stage of the project of workflow automation based on the system Case developed by Electronic Office Systems company is completed. The project is executed by SoftExpert company (Tula).
In the museum document flow is subdivided into the documents concerning specifics of museum activity and managerial documents. The project is implemented for the purpose of systematization and automation of work with managerial documentation.
At the first stage of the project problems of simplification of maintaining the register of agreements, simplification of document retrieval and access to the necessary information and also establishing managerial supervision of the movement of documents are solved.
In a project deliverable in each division about one workplace electronic document management systems was installed. Access to a system has heads of the museum and its deputies. Registration of the entering and outgoing documentation, orders on primary activity is organized. The scheme of work with the entering and outgoing agreements is developed. All incoming documents are scanned, thus the electronic knowledge base of the organization is created.