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2020/03/01 16:46:17

KYOCERA Net Manager: the efficiency checked by time

Effective management of document flow in large or medium-sized company requires relevant and at the same time already checked solutions.

Effective management of document flow in large or medium-sized company requires relevant and at the same time already checked solutions. Economy on the correct organization always develops into big financial losses. Work at office can be simple, but at the same time structurally competent and completely managed. In 2007 the KYOCERA Document Solutions company developed the concept of MDS — "Managed Document Services" which still successfully works at the most modern offices. KYOCERA Document Solutions takes the leading position in the market of ready-made solutions on increase in efficiency of document flow.

Proceeding from requests of clients, KYOCERA Document Solutions offers a certain scheme of administration, equipment checkout, training of employees and the corresponding technical support. To developments of the company not only the printing equipment treats with intellectual management of the ECOSYS and TASKalfa series, but also and special software tools. It is especially important to note one of them — a packet of KYOCERA Net Manager.

The packet of KYOCERA Net Manager is intended for creation of hierarchical network of devices of printers and the Kyocera MFP. It allows to deploy on the computer the server for administration and document management. KYOCERA Net Manager can create networks with several servers interacting within the general rules of administration that is suitable for the large companies with the developed branch network.

The packet of KYOCERA Net Manager is an optimal solution not only for large, but also for small and medium business. At KNM there is a server and client part, but client is not obligatory at all, the majority of projects are implemented without it.

KNM has the amplest opportunities on scalability:

  • The number of filial (website) servers is not limited;
  • The number of printing devices – is recommended up to 600 on one website server for the server on 8-core CPU at 8 GB of RAM, but if the customer is ready to select more powerful HW under the server, then the number of printers on the server can be big.
  • The recommended number of the connected users – to  100,000.
  • And many other things.

For more detailed information you can request consultation of the specialist of KYOCERA Document Solutions, having filled out the questionnaire in the bottom of the project.

Installation of a server part of KYOCERA Net Manager requires the computer with the operating system Microsoft Windows. It is recommended to use an operating system family of Microsoft Windows Server – versions of Server 2008 and 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2 and 2016. 32-bit and 64-bit versions are supported. An optimal solution — to develop a server part on computers with not less, than the quad-core processor and from 4 gigabytes. At a significant amount of the processed client requests it is recommended to install a solid-state array in the computer SSD. Client PCs can work running the Microsoft Windows Vista operating systems, 7, 8, 10 and also under macOS X and under Unix. A server part is integrated with mobile application of KYOCERA Mobile Print. It is available to operating systems iOS and Android.

KYOCERA Net Manager supports several methods of user identification. First, through a set of a certain combination of the login and password; secondly, on the PIN code; thirdly, through the ID card with a RFID tag. The Kyocera company releases special readers which are connected to the MFPs many models and printers of the producer through the built-in port USB. For the purpose of providing the raised mode of privacy of KYOCERA Net Manager supports the combined types of identification using the card and the PIN code or the password.

Obligatory registration of all users allows to distribute the access levels, user rights, to analyze document flow and that is very important, creates security mechanisms during the work with commercially important information. Printing in KNM is under construction around the concept Print&Follow. The concept provides that any user identified in a system can select the document on the server and print it on any free structure of network. At the same time the mode of printing is regulated by the administrator according to duties of the employee and his access level.

Net Manager, together with opportunities for setup of interfaces of printers and   Kyocera MFP provides the mass of the effective modes of printing. In particular, thanks to obligatory identification the user receives on the screen of control of the device the interface which is optimum configured under its tasks, access to necessary contacts, templates and options "by default". At the same time the system administrator can permit or limit for users certain types of manipulations with documents in base, for example, to allow printing of materials exclusively monochrome or black-and-white the modes.

Functions of copying and scanning in a packet of KYOCERA Net Manager also submit to the general rules set by the network administrator. It, in particular, allows to remember and use personal settings of scanning, processing and sending materials for the participants registered and identified by a system.

In addition to complete management of parts of document flow, KYOCERA Net Manager gives to the system administrator the broad picture of the happening processes: the packet carries out the accounting of supplies, keeps the diary of transactions of printing and scanning, collects data on actions of certain users and groups. This information can be analyzed for creation of the mode of optimal employee occupation, solving of tasks of economy of means and time, synchronization of work of different groups, departments and branches of the company.

Potential of KYOCERA Net Manager is completely realized when using all elements entering the concept of Managed Document Services. It both modern models of the office equipment of Kyocera, both corporate services of setup and service, and a complete arsenal of software tools of Kyocera – the applications PinPoint Scan, KYOCERA Cloud Direct, KYOanalyser, the universal KX Driver driver.

KYOCERA Net Manager considerably simplifies work at office, doing it structurally competent and safe, in terms of the information leak and also which is completely managed and cost-efficient.

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