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2010/03/30 10:26:51

NTV criticizes service of console protection

It is the first case when the state media openly speak about problems of Console protection. Specialists from the sphere of security shared the view of a situation with TAdviser.

Criticize, probably, it is strongly told, after all it is not militia which from criticism will not lose weight and will not get to anywhere. The question costs about the huge commercialized system including Private security. Therefore everything is told for a moment and casually, but considering that it is the first attack of the state media in this direction, we can speak about a small feat of journalists.

Understand us correctly, we do not try to blacken our Russian system of console protection with her armed fighters or especially to be glad to this fact, but we want to remove an invulnerability aura to which unconditional trust painfully affects the fate of our citizens.

We, specialists of Spetslab company, many years ago got into this problem, having retold the facts known to us about broad criminal experience in area of cracking of objects of Private and private security. Probably, we would not begin to touch more this subject if this service was not started up in litigiousness, demanding a denial of the obvious facts. Under the law the burden of the proof told lay on us, and we had to study this subject more deeply.

For many years judicial fight we lost many friends and many enemies acquired. When behind something there is a huge commercial and political structure moreover both in shoulder straps moreover and with large asterisks, it is difficult to save the face. Especially, when in it spit extreme urkaganny articles (to enough gather on the Internet kenjima nicknames and other).

But we did not get used to recede, especially, from obvious. All charges of our lie were dispelled by court in final instance. All case papers are immortalized by a card file of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation available on the Internet. We completely and with all appeals proved truthfulness of our articles. The decision on them is made final, is not subject to the further appeal. If someone else has doubts on those facts which we bring into the as speak, the "invented" articles, address. We not only write now what can be checked at once, but also carefully we collect the facts for the proof.

Thanks to attributes of democracy, our judgments appeared in official sources, became available to the press. In particular, the television Maximum program of the central NTV television channel became interested in them. Alas, everything did not go like clockwork further, we were waited by the next test. Journalists agreed to speak negatively against "this system" only if we in the presence of the opponents personally will prove them obvious vulnerability of console technology of protection. But it and is clear, for it will not pat on the back, incontestable facts are necessary. And the authority is necessary, the lack of bias still required the famous person on whom would not begin to press bodies. Fortunately, it was from the famous singers, unfortunately, Alexey Nefedov repeatedly suffered.

And here counterattack was made at once. High representatives from "OVO" said: specialists from Spetslab as it is especially prepared people cannot participate in an experiment, and their knowledge cannot be positioned as public. It was necessary "to hand over" our informant from underworld. Fedor Krestovy in a plot has, of course, a fictitious name, but it has absolutely this and solid prison experience. As a matter of fact, he also sounded it in our articles that cunnings of radio mounting case are studied on a zone, "and the audience is not less High school".

And so, opponents of 18 times changed panels, sensors, even wires in the apartment of the famous soloist of the Semi-precious stones group who was robbed recently and again robbed, but all 18 times Fedya without noise and dust got inside. At the same time he used (farther in the text): "two wires, penknife and 5 minutes". Unfortunately, three-hour material of all processes was reduced to several radio minutes which were shown last Sunday on NTV. Fragment of this record here.

Naturally, there was no loud statement, especially there was a taboo on a brand Private security, instead of real participants showed only PSF. But it for the first time when the central television issued criticism of a console system of protection. Before we could behold only great advertizing of Private and private security and admonition at all levels about their efficiency. It is enough to tell, the known social and political Section program investigating criminal affairs calls nearly an every morning people for need to put the dwellings on Console protection.

Let's finish with that phrase with which everything began in our[1]article "Stupidly!" 7 years ago: "It is time to inform of the great truth the people …" We very much respect and we appreciate employees of any protection, but it is impossible to mislead the people. Especially, if it concerns security. Console protection is not worse, but also it is not better than other types of protection. As well as others, it is subject to cracking of malefactors. Especially in our country where in such services the least modern equipment is used.

Now not only we speak about it, but also the central media!

Rescue of drowning – case of the most drowning. If in the Middle Ages to survive, it was necessary to own skillfully a sword, then now for this purpose it is necessary to understand security technologies. And nobody, except you, will help you.

There is no sense to put signaling which is put by all, it was already studied in criminal higher education institution. Use what can be programmed in own way. For this purpose put only that equipment which gives individual opportunities. Well, also you learn to program. For this purpose there are already languages for teapots, for example, of SL ++.