2020: The USA prohibited use of stun guns to the aggressive and beating himself patients
At the beginning of March, 2020 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibited to use devices to electric stimulation which are sometimes used for treatment of thirst for mutilation and aggression at people with violations of intelligence or development.
The resolution prohibits the current and future sales, distribution and production of devices. Prohibition will become effective in 30 days after the official publication in the federal register. It is about prohibition of the special electroconvulsive systems connected to the head and applied in the therapeutic purposes. Such equipment is not similar to the normal stun guns used to a self-harrow.
Suggested to prohibit the USA these devices in 2016 because they represent "an unreasonable and substantial risk of injuries for patients". Regulatory bodies stated that limited mental capacities or violations of development of some patients complicate communication with them, and therefore it is difficult to such patients to express disagreement with the carried-out procedure or to announce the medic the felt pain. In November, 2019 it became known that prohibition is inevitable.
Regulatory bodies state that use of similar devices negatively affects patients and results in the increased risk of a depression, concern, mutilation and emergence of symptoms of post-traumatic stressful frustration. Besides, their application is followed by pain, appearance of burns and damage of fabrics. Additional risks include wrong blows because of fault of the device. The organizations for protection of the rights of disabled people insisted long ago on that regulatory bodies of the USA imposed a ban and even organized a mass protest action against stun guns in 2018 at the house of the former commissioner of FDA Scott Gottlieb.
By the beginning of March, 2020 prohibition on use of stun guns does not extend to the electrostimulation devices used for creation of disgust for addictions, such as smoking.[1]