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EMTs announced implementation in Russia of the Israeli telemedicine TytoCare technology

Customers: European Medical Center (EMS)

Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Product: TytoCare the Telemedicine device for survey of patients

Project date: 2019/11  - 2020/03

2020: Announcement of implementation of TytoCare

On March 12, 2020 the EMS company announced implementation of the Israeli telemedicine TytoCare technology.

EMTs announced implementation in Russia of the Israeli telemedicine TytoCare technology

According to the company, EMS will become the only commercial clinic in Russia where Tyto for the period of carrying out clinical trials of the device is applied (surely precede obtaining the registration certificate). After obtaining the registration certificate of EMS is going to implement Tyto in the existing digital infrastructure.

Implementation of technology is relevant in connection with the expected rapid growth of telemedicine in Russia. In 2019 the demand of medical consultations online grew in comparison with 2018 three times. Council for development of digital economy at the Federation Council prepared amendments in the law "About Health Protection Bases" which permit doctors to make the preliminary diagnosis and to appoint to patients treatment remotely. Experts consider that it considerably will increase demand of services of remote medicine. For March, 2020 the Russian doctors can advise far off patients, but without diagnosis.

Technologies change the whole ecosystems and the industries, digital transformation affected first of all the most capacious financial sector. Our clients become more and more exacting: they understand UX design of mobile applications, got used to pay services with "one contact", understand sensing technologies of persons and are exacting not only to competence of doctors, but also to service which to them is provided by clinic. Emergence of such technologies as Tyto allows the doctor to see and hear the patient, to carry out monitoring of health not from words, and using the equipment from which the client can independently take off data. The second, not less important aspect — ethic. It is no secret that for March, 2020 patients send to doctors of a photo and video to WhatsApp. You represent what motley galleries at doctors. Tyto not just takes readings: data directly in the electronic medical record allow to transfer technologies for the encoded channels. Thereby we create the integrated information system of customer interaction, providing it is expected the high level of service. This technology of remote diagnostics will allow to create the base for full telemedicine consultations that is especially relevant in the period of seasonal epidemics. In other words, the client has an opportunity using Tyto to provide to the doctor all necessary data for diagnostics, and the doctor always reserves the right in case of doubts to invite to internal acceptance in clinic or to direct the ambulance.

Egor Safrygin, the director of digital transformation of EMS told