Customers: Federal Passenger Company (FPC) Contractors: Mobile Inform Group Advanst Mobiliti Solyushinz, Transinfoset Product: Mobile Inform Group: MIG T-series Tablet computersProject date: 2018/04 - 2018/09
2018: Automation of control of landing in long distance trains using the MIG T8 Pro tablet
The project based on: tablet computer MIG T8.
Contractors: Mobile Inform Group, "Transinfoset".
Project implementation term/period: 2018.
Project Description:
The Transinfoset company, the strategic partner of Mobile Inform Group, brought into operation of 1100 the automated complexes on the MIG T8 Pro platform.
The mobile terminals of registration of passengers (MTRP) – the industrial MIG T8 Pro tablet, with the preset EMM SafePhone 4.0 system are a part of a complex. with specialized software. Such device is at the chief of each passenger train.
The mobile workplace of the conductor allows to sell train tickets, to raise a class of a trip of passengers, to make out conveyance and to sell additional services to passengers with issue of the cash voucher.
Also mobile cash register and the POS terminal for acceptance of bank cards is a part of a hardware and software system. Connection of these devices to the tablet – wireless. The transactions connected with sale of travel and transportation documents are made by interaction with the automated control system for passenger traffic of "Express-3".
Sale of additional services is made locally, with the subsequent sending cash vouchers to FTS through fiscal data operators.