Gandzeychuk Ilya - till summer of 2010 the vice president for products and technologies "Sitronics Ukraine" (enters into Sitronics concern).
Biography and career
Was born in 1972. Got an education at the Odessa State University. In Kvazar-micro (nowadays "Sitronics Information Technologies") works since 1998. In 1999 Gandzeychuk headed the direction on implementation of business applications of Oracle, the first projects on which implementation in Ukraine and in Russia consultants executed Kvazar-micro. The next stage in Ilya Gandzeychuk's career is connected with large-scale entry of the company into the Russian market and the markets of other countries. The main locomotive service at the movement on foreign markets for the company at that moment was consulting in the field of business applications which promoted high revenue growth of the enterprise. In March, 2008 Ilya Gandzeychuk is appointed the vice president for products and technologies.