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The board "Victoria" of Ruslan Baysarov - in the Guinness Book of Records

29.03.20, 15:26, Msk

At the end of March of Guinness World Records officially set a new world record on speed of construction of the subway. 23 tunnel-boring mechanized a complex (TPMK) at the same time work at laying of tunnels in the Moscow subway that became the highest rate in the world history of Metrostroy. From all only the board "Victoria" which is used by specialists of group of Ruslan Baysarov of the SK MOST caused a stir in TPMK already for the second time.


The first record – the truth, so far the Russian scale – Victoria set at the end of December, 2019. Then for the first time in our country the innovative technology of descent of TPMK in assembled form in an underground ditch was applied.

Tonneleprokhodcheksy board "Victoria" of Ruslan Baysarov

Ahead of the planet of all

The Moscow subway is under construction record rates now. The big ring line on which laying the main resources of metrobuilders are thrown is the most important construction site. Until the ring becomes isolated, – and it, according to the Mayor of Moscow, shall occur in two years – the subway will not become the most available and comfortable type of transport.

Big ring line it:

  • 31 stations;
  • 19 changes to other lines;
  • 6 transitions to the central diameters;
  • 11 transitions to branch lines of the message, economy up to 30 minutes for each trip.

BKL will become the most extended ring branch of the subway in the world – now the palm belongs to China.

The majority of tunnel-boring complexes works for BKL. And it is no wonder that Moscow Metro was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The record of capital metrobuilders was set on all severity. 48 witnesses at the same time on all twenty three sections fixed work of tunnel-boring boards on video – so there was collecting of proofs for the judge in London. Having received the video files confirming simultaneous operation of unprecedented number of TPMK, the judge officially set a world record.

The Guinness Book of Records was replenished with Ruslan Baysarov's Victoria

Twice champion

The tunnel-boring Victoria complex which conducts laying of a double-track tunnel from the Tekstilshchiki metro station on east section of BKL was lowered in an underground ditch of the subway at the end of December. On this event it was also riveted close attention and the capital city's mayor, and the press. The matter is that specialists of the company of Baysarov applied technology, innovative for Russia.

Traditionally TPMK fall under the earth in parts and gather already directly in a ditch. But Victoria, whose dimensions exceed in the diameter of 10 meters, and weight is 830 tons, was moved, according to information on the website of the company, using a special portal complex was lowered to the mine of future metro station for a start already in finished form. For this purpose the crane at first lifted TPMK per meter above the ground, moved it on distance of 50 meters and delivered in the underground camera, having lowered by 23 meters.

Such technology helps to reduce a preparatory stage of construction significantly.

The structural division of SK MOST Group – JSC USK Most - conducts laying of tunnels on one of the most difficult segments of the subway. Now the way of Victoria lies towards the Pechatniki station under sections with dense building, in several places is crossed with MTsD where train service for the period of works does not stop. Therefore the jewelry accuracy of laying is important, shifts even on one centimeter neither to the right, nor to the left are inadmissible. Specialists of the company of Ruslan Baysarov cope with these tasks perfectly, they accumulated unique experience of construction of the most difficult objects which is demanded not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Buildings of a century

Among objects on which construction specialists of SK MOST Group were involved there is a lot of such that have nation-wide value. So, for example, the company of the businessman Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov drove the second Baikal tunnel 6.7 kilometers long in difficult mountain conditions. Its construction allows to liquidate BAM "bottleneck" – trunks which value it is difficult to revaluate in the conditions of gain of an export component on east direction now. Passing was conducted in a zone of high seismic activity – at the level of 9 points, the route of a tunnel lay through tectonic breaks.

Specialists of SK MOST Group of Ruslan Baysarov behind work

However Baysarov's company coped with the main objective of passing, are now conducted the completing works. To the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi specialists of SK MOST Group within the construction project combined by a car - the railway route Adler – "Alpika-service" laid: three railway tunnels and three tunnel complexes, each of which consists a tunnel for trains, a tunnel for cars and the service and operational adit.

It is also possible to carry a construction of the following railway tunnels to the most difficult projects of SK MOST Group:

  • Kuznetsovsky;
  • Mansky;
  • Krolsky;
  • Tomusinsky;
  • The 2nd Dzhebsky;
  • Obluchensky and others.

The Russian entrepreneur Ruslan Baysarov at the beginning of this decade decided to make the efforts and the capital on the projects connected with development of the mining industry and transport infrastructure of Russia. Its biography in business began in the field of entertainments, then it was engaged about ten years in oil business, worked at the leading positions in capital fuel companies. Since 2011 left the oil industry and was engaged own in projects – development of the coal field in Tuva and as a part of the project construction there the railroad. Since 2016 became the main owner of group of SK MOST company, headed Board of Directors of USK "Bridge", having given a new impulse of project implementation of one of the largest construction holdings of the country.