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Баннер в шапке 2
2020/04/06 22:19:24


Reotaxis is the ability of sperm to move against fluid current.

Main article: Pregnancy and childbirth

How sperm people understand where to move

You have seen many different pictures of how sperm move in a woman's body. But how do they know where they need to go? In order to solve a similar problem, nature came up with a phenomenon such as reotaxis.

When the sperm enters the liquid medium, it turns on a program that simply directs it against the current of fluid and this is how it finds the egg.

When air enters our nose, the molecules that create the fragrance attach to various olfactory receptors and generate an electrical signal, which then enters the corresponding part of the brain.

Olfactory sperm receptors similarly capture molecules that originate from the egg, thereby confirming the correct course.