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The service enterprise "Lazerservice" protects data with Zecurion DLP help

Customers: Lazerservice

Moscow; Transport

Product: Zecurion DLP

Project date: 2019/09  - 2020/03

2020: Zecurion DLP implementation

On April 17, 2020 the Zecurion company, the developer of solutions on cyber security, announced project completion of system implementation for data protection from leakages of Zecurion DLP in JSC Lazerservice, the Russian service enterprise performing repair of the aircraft equipment.

The company delivers spare parts and units of the aircraft equipment and also performs repair of an aircraft equipment and means of maintenance of aircraft, including space. Among customers of service company there are such enterprises as the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Rosoboronexport, Sukhoy, MiG Russian aircraft corporation.

Within general strategy of increase in information security at the enterprise by the company management made the decision to strengthen protection of information perimeter of the organization, in particular, to install a system for control of actions of employees. After the careful analysis of possible channels of information leaks the command of Lazerservice decided to control first of all record of files on external drives and printing of documents.

In addition to the main requirements to a system for security service specialists of the customer an important factor was an opportunity to perform flexible configurations of access to external data media. After comparative testing of a number of endpoint-solutions of the Russian developers security experts made the decision on implementation of a DLP system from Zecurion company.

The Zecurion Device Control system is intended for protection against leaks of confidential information on endpoints of network. The solution differentiates access to drives and to printers, analyzes contents of the files printed and written on devices and blocks actions of users in case of identification of violations of security policies. Zecurion Device Control also controls use of removable devices at workstations under management OS Linux. A system is intended for work on Alt Linux GosLinux, Red OS and Astra Linux. Management of politicians for Windows- and Linux platforms happens via the single console of management Zecurion.

We tested several domestic solutions and stopped on Zecurion DLP. When choosing not only broad functionality, but also simplicity in installation and system management were the main parameters. To us it was important that our employees responsible for security could most simply appoint and quickly personified access rights to devices for different categories of users and to flexibly regulate access to functions of record to removable mediums,
speaks Roman Hodyakin, the head of information technology of JSC Lazerservice