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2020/04/23 15:15:55


Tseliakiya is the chronic disease connected from the gluten of cereals (gluten), in a large number which is contained in wheat, a rye and barley genetically caused by intolerance of a proteinaceous component. It is characterized by injury of a mucous membrane of a small intestine and violation of suction of feedstuffs. Reaction of an organism can arise in several weeks or even years after the beginning of the use of products as a part of which gluten meets.

Risks of consumption of glyutenosoderzhashchy products

Children (in typical cases) after introduction to a food allowance of glyutensoderzhashchy products in 1.5 - 2 months can have such symptoms as causeless vomiting, a foamy, fetid chair, violation of appetite, loss of body weight. More often it develops gradually, the child can show irritability, sleep badly. The infection transferred the kid can sometimes become a push to development of a disease.

Is aged more senior more often meet, so-called, atypical forms or not expressed intestinal symptoms: periodic belly-aches, swelling, sometimes diarrhea. At the same time there can be some other symptoms: weakness, fatigue, atopic dermatitis, frequent stomatitises, bone and joints pains, caries, headaches, sleep disorder, depression. Violation of suction in a small intestine owing to toxic influence of gluten can lead to a growth inhibition, the expressed scarce statuses – anemias (iron deficiency and B12), to osteoporosis.

Diet at a disease

For 2020 at a tseliakiya the strict bezglyutenovy diet which needs to be observed for life is recommended. She assumes a complete elimination of "explicit" glyutensoderzhashchy products and also in what there is "a hidden gluten" and even its traces.

All grain, flour, bakery, macaroni, the confectionery received from wheat, a rye, barley and oats belong to such products. In addition, enter this list bulgur, couscous, spelled, a spelled, kanut, wheat, semolina, yachnevy, pearl-barley grain.

"The hidden gluten" can be used as nutritional supplement in production of the big list of products: sausages, crabsticks, different canned food (including fruit or vegetable), tomato pastes, ketchups, curd pastes and curd cakes, processed cheeses, mayonnaise, different sauces, chips, candies, kvass, beer and there is more to come.

The diet of patients with a tseliakiya depends on the period of a disease, weight of a status, age and should be under construction under observation of the nutritionist having experience of maintaining such patients.

The structure of a diet is under construction on the basis of the general principles of balance – enough full-fledged proteins, quality fats and, of course, the carbohydrates received for the account of transferable grain bean, potatoes, vegetables and fruit. At a tseliakiya it is possible to use rice, a buckwheat, corn, millet, an amaranth, a kino, a sorghum. The flour made of this grain and also flour and starches of potatoes, bean are safe. Considering that even traces of gluten can worsen a status of the patient with a tseliakiya, specialized products which are made on separate production lines are recommended and have marking "without gluten" (the sign of "the crossed-out ear" with designation of the manufacturing country and numbering corresponding to the product number in the system of licensing).

"By drawing up a diet it is necessary to consider existence of the secondary violations connected with deficit macro - and micronutrients which can demand correction. At identification of "scarce statuses" in a bezglyutenovy diet the maintenance of microelements, for example, of iron and copper, calcium and vitamins of group B can be increased", - Zhanna Ladnova, the dietitian of JSC Meditsina (clinic of the academician Roytberg) says.

It should be noted that recently the number of people which appoints a bezglyutenovy diet considerably increased. Frequency of development of such glyutenzavisimy diseases as an allergy to wheat, intolerance of gluten or "sensitivity to gluten" – a status at which at receipt of the products containing gluten the symptoms similar to manifestations of a tseliakiya and an allergy develop grows, but at inspection the last are excluded. Unlike a tseliakiya "the sensitivity to gluten" can have dose-dependent character – at receipt in an organism of small doses of gluten the organism does not show any reactions, but it is worth exceeding own regulation and signs will be shown. Certainly, at identification of intolerance of gluten the doctor will appoint a bezglyutenovy diet and a complex of treatment. You should not exclude the whole group of products independently, there is a possibility of a number of the effects connected with deficit of important nutrients.