Customers: Ministry of Health of the Rostov region
Contractors: BARS GROUP, MIAC of the Rostov region Product: BARS. Medical Information SystemProject date: 2020/03 - 2020/04
2020: Start of issue of electronic sick-lists far off
The residents of the Rostov region staying on a quarantine with suspicion of a coronavirus began to receive electronic sheets of disability far off - this functionality is implemented in the medical system of the region for security of inhabitants in the conditions of a pandemic. Reported about it to BARS GROUP on April 23, 2020.
Process of a remote execution of the sick leave note is rather simple: the patient puts all necessary documents to the request on the Gosuslug portal. The request comes to Social insurance fund, and further – to the medical organization which processes the necessary document.
Similar measures are taken in pursuance of the provisional rules of a design of leaves of disability, appointment and allowance payment on temporary disability in case of a quarantine specified in the government decree of 3/18/2020 No. 294.
We observe in a system more than one hundred requests for remote obtaining the sick-list a day, at first were about two hundred requests. Generally this service concerns the citizens arriving from abroad. For April, 2020 planned work of hospitals is partially suspended in connection with a particular treatment. All forces are thrown on emergencies, comments on a situation the head MIAC of the Rostov region Anastasia Berezina
Earlier Rostov region began a gradual failure from sick-lists in paper form and passed to a digital format. An opportunity appeared thanks to completion of a medical information system of BARS GROUP regarding issue of leaves of disability and also integration of a system with services of Social insurance fund. Since the beginning of 2020 more than 14 thousand electronic sheets of disability in 30 medical organizations of the Rostov region - both in city, and in district are issued.
Process is organized as follows: at acceptance of the patient in clinic (or in a hospital) the doctor opens a window of issue of the sick leave note in a medical information system "for BARS. Health care MIES". Further in one click requests number from the Social Insurance Fund, fills out necessary data on the patient and sends the sheet of disability back to the Social Insurance Fund, if necessary prints to the patient the coupon. It allows to avoid queue, a waste of time on petition and printings, risk of damage or loss of the document.