Developers: | Algorithm (Chapel) |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2010 |
Branches: | Government and social institutions, housing and public utilities, service and household services, Insurance, Financial services, investments and audit |
Technology: | BPM, CRM, Call centers |
"Chapel" provides services in the field of process automation on work with clients for business and government institutions using own line of software products. The solution is designed to automate all process of interaction with citizens concerning documents acceptance, preparation and providing public services, quality control of provision of services and also consultation and informing citizens on work of the center for all possible channels of interaction: internal service, phone, mail, e-mail, SMS, Internet portal, infomats.
Use of the Chapel system will allow executive authorities of the Subject and local government authorities to save budgetary funds and to improve quality of provision of services to applicants, having reduced the cost of internal service of applicants, having reduced influence of a human factor on quality of the provided services. The solution provides support of applicants at all stages of interaction from MFC – informing, consultation on necessary documents and actions, expert preparation of a document package, record on submission of documents and execution of service.
The products "Chapel" implement the innovation campaign to the organization of service in contact center:
1) Quick access to customer information. - All customer information which is available in the company is available in one place in a convenient view with searching tools and filtering.
2) "Seamless" customer service. - Service is automated also all systems necessary for this purpose are united in uniform process within one window. A system "conducts" the employee on process of service and controls its work in the integrated systems. Data are transferred between systems without participation of the employee, excepting errors of repeated data entry.
3) Control of work of employees. - A system controls process of customer service on the basis of the displaid key indicators and informs on deviations. Monitoring of actions of employees and control from the status of availability is conducted.
4) Customer interaction history. - A system registers history of customer relations, provides access to these data and uses this information at decision making, implementing CRM maintenance strategy of clients.
5) Integration into all channels of interaction. - A system provides high-quality customer service on all channels of interaction (personal contact, phone, e-mail, the Internet and so forth).
6) Analytics and reporting. - A system has the developed instruments of information analysis about clients, the history of interaction with them and service process.
The expert subsystem of Chapel using questioning makes the applicant's profile, then checks completeness of a set of documents and after all documents are prepared, writes the citizen on acceptance in MFC. Before submission of documents in MFC only the prepared applicants with the checked document package conforming to the requirements necessary for receiving service are allowed.
Processing of contacts
- Registration of different types of contacts (phone, e-mail, fax, personal contact)
- Fixing of parameters of contact in a special card: client (organization and person), date and duration of contact, result
- Filing of files to a contact card
- Planning of contacts
Information management about partners (clients and partners)
- The passport of the partner containing the complete information about the partner and stories of the relations with it (characteristics, the history of addresses, a contact history)
- Support of sets of the characteristics connected with the status of the partner (the supplier, the client, the dealer and so forth)
- Filing of files to the passport of the partner
Processing of customer appeals and partners
- Automatic binding of contact to the address
- Access in one place to all information on the specific address (the passport of the address)
- Detailed classification of addresses (reference, sale, support; specific goods, problem, question)
- Registration of any configured data on addresses, with a possibility of the subsequent analysis
- Information search in the Knowledge base (the instruction to the employee, information for the client)
- Readdressing of information on the address to other employee or group
- Planning and control of execution of tasks of processing of addresses
- Filing of files to the passport of the address, a task card
Analysis and control
- The configured reports on contacts, partners, addresses, tasks, work of users
- Export of data to Microsoft Excel
- Setup of the stored analytical selections on base of the clients and addresses considering difficult criteria
Additional opportunities If "Kapella-CRM" functions as the CRM module as a part of integrated solution "CRM + Call center", it has additional functionality.
- Contact card ScreenPop on the computer screen at the operator to whom the incoming call after preprocessing of a call in the Sall-center is directed
- Identification of the client by the phone number (AON)
- Automatic registration of technical parameters of telephone contact and their display in a contact card (the phone number, arrival time of a call, a conversation time or processings of a call, type and the direction of contact)
- The audio recording of telephone conversation allowing to control work of operators and to understand conflict situations
- Opportunity directly from the address of the client to make an outgoing call to the client with automatic fixing of parameters of contact
- Automatic redirection of a telephone call together with the in-fed information according to the address on the corresponding expert (group) or the personal manager of the client