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Citibank fined for illegal use of Russian software

Customers: Citibank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: Smart ID Engine (formerly Smart IDReader)

Project date: 2020/03


2022: Penalty for illegal use of Russian software

At the end of November 2022, it became known that Citibank was fined for illegal use of Russian software. This is a Smart IDReader product designed to recognize identity documents.

The court in its decision of November 23 ruled to satisfy the claims in part. He decided to recover from Citibank in favor of Smart Endzhins Service LLC compensation in the amount of 500 thousand rubles, as well as the cost of paying a state duty in the amount of 4.8 thousand rubles.

Citibank fined for illegal use of Russian software
The rest of the requirements to refuse. The decision can be appealed to the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal within one month from the date of its adoption, the court said in a decision cited by Commerant. Smart Engines demanded to recover compensation in the amount of 5 million rubles.

According to the representative of Smart Engines, lawyer Aram Grigoryan from the law firm NSP (Nektorov, Saveliev & Partners), the fact of illegal use of the program was discovered when, after the expiration of the contract, a Citibank employee contacted Smart Engines to consult about the nuances of the software.

Citibank did not respond to the claim, after which Smart Engines filed a lawsuit against the financial institution. According to Grigoryan, at the request of the court, the bank provided a decryption of data on the real use of Smart IDReader by its employees, and thus the bank's guilt was proved.

Smart Engines and Citibank have entered into an agreement involving the use of Russian software for two years. At the end of this period, Citi was offered to extend commercial use, but the bank refused. On August 25, 2022, Citigroup announced its decision to curtail the Russian retail business and the business of working with Russian small and medium-sized enterprises.[1]

2020: Supplier Selection

On April 30, 2020 Smart Engines , he announced that he had been selected as a technology provider artificial intelligence for recognizing customer identification documents of JSC KB "." Citibank the Russian The solution developed by the company Smart IDReader allows you to quickly and with high quality recognize data passports and even RUSSIAN FEDERATION more than 1200 types of certification documents of customers of 210 countries in the world in a accounting systems bank and Internet mobile applications.

On the basis of Smart IDReader, Citibank CB JSC will continue to automate customer service processes. The complete autonomy of the recognition library allows you to ensure the security of work with personal data in server and mobile applications and compliance with the requirements of the legislation of Russia and other jurisdictions.

The speed and accuracy of recognition is provided in Smart IDReader through the use of deep sparse discrete neural networks and visual intelligence technologies. The system is able to recognize documents in photos, scans and in the video stream in real time. At the level of a technological AI platform, Smart IDReader supports more than 40 recognition languages ​ ​ as of April 2020, including hieroglyphic writing in China, Korea, Japan and visually complex languages ​ ​ such as Armenian and Georgian.

