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Equigy (blockchain platform)

The name of the base system (platform): Projects based on blockchain technology
Developers: TenneT, Swissgrid, Terna Group
Date of the premiere of the system: April, 2020
Branches: Electrical equipment and microelectronics

At the end of April, 2020 it became known that the European national power network companies Swissgrid, TenneT and Terna Group agreed about creation of the interstate Equigy platform for load distribution on the electric networks. The new platform will be is the cornerstone by technology blockchain.

Originally the platform will be started in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy. Later the Danish company Energinet is going to join the specified partners. Thus, the platform will work in five European states.

The national power companies from Switzerland, Holland and Italy started a blockchain platform for smart distribution of electricity

As envisioned by authors, Equigy will allow to equip with distribution function of load of the electric networks of consumers of electrical energy.

In future world of power millions of small decentralized power producers, consumers and power storages, such as electric vehicles, household accumulators and thermal pumps, will help to cope with overloads of networks and to balance fluctuations between the production rates and electricity consumption. Thus, they will undertake problems which generally are solved today by large scale power stations, such as coal-fired and several hundred megawatts oil power plants" — contains in the message of partners.

The most interesting that using Equigy authors of the idea are going to suggest people to earn from sale of electricity. For example, having left the electric vehicle which charge was not completely spent, connected to the electric network via the special bidirectional charger, the owner of the electric vehicle will be able to sell residual energy. The task of Equigy will consist in carrying out such transactions using a blockchain.

The technology and the software of Equigy will have an open source code and to be provided free of charge.[1]

You look also the Blockchain and cryptocurrency
