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Perenio IoT Router Elegance

The name of the base system (platform): Tuya Smart
Developers: Perenio IoT spol.s.r.o.
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/05/29
Branches: Telecommunication and communication
Technology: Internet of Things of Internet of Things (IoT),  Routers (routers)

2020: Representation of IoT Router Elegance

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participated in the conference AI + IoT Business Conference 2020 Spring Online Edition from Tuya Smart, the leading world platform AI + IoT. The event integrated leaders in the field of lighting, security, home appliances, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and Big Data for a netvorking and professional discussions about smart technologies and perspectives of development of IoT.

Among leaders there are industries of AI+IoT participating in a conference: Accenture, Bluetooth SIG, Calex, Google Assistant, Haier, Hampton, Indiegogo Lenovo, TCL, Zigbee Alliance, etc.

The chief executive of Perenio IoT company Sergey Kostevich in time told online of the presentation about development and start of smart devices in serial production in 30 days on the basis of real cases and provided a line of smart devices.

IoT Elegance router