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ERP system: configure or not configure?


07.04.10, 16:34, Msk

According to a research of Panorama Consulting Group company, only 19.4% of the companies select considerable setup of the ERP systems. Nearly a third of customers prefer not to configure at all it while the majority is implemented nevertheless, at least, by some settings in the course of implementation.

According to Haoyan San (Haoyan Sun), the analyst of Panorama Consulting Group, very often there are differences between standard functionality of the ERP system and unique requirements of end users. In that case some setup is necessary. It allows new processes to be integrated with the existing processes that, in turn, provides not only smoother replacement of old processes, but also and the best adaptation of end users to the ERP system.

However the Enterprise resource planning setup is initially expensive difficult process which results in risks and delays when implementing the ERP project. As setup requires reprogramming of standard functionality of the software product, there are potential risks in case of ERP system updating. Thus, the companies can pay finally for setup every time when they update the ERP system.

The high percent of ERP systems with insignificant settings (47.8%) means that limited settings select the companies which understand importance of settings, but try to avoid the risks and delays arising at the high level of customization.

Level of setup of ERP systems

According to Haoyang Sang, it would be reasonable to determine setup level, based on organizational requirements and features of organization activity. Accurate justification which considers all current and potential risks could help with determination of optimum level of the Enterprise resource planning setup significantly.