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Баннер в шапке 2

Against the staff of the Smolensk Ministry of Health initiated proceedings after deliveries of mammographic complexes to 64.5 million rubles

Customers: Department of the Smolensk region on health care

Contractors: Amico, Region service

Project date: 2019/09
Project's budget: 64.5 million руб.

On June 9, 2020 it became known of criminal proceedings concerning the staff of Department of the Smolensk region on health care. They are accused of negligence at accomplishment of state procurements.

More than 64.5 million rubles of means from the budget were spent for purchase on the equipment  which as a result could not be used. The staff of department on health care in the fall of 2019 accepted four mobile mammographic complexes at which registration certificates do not correspond to the actual complete set of the equipment.

Office mammographic mobile KMP-RP based on the KamAZ truck

Check revealed that according to the registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor these medical complexes should be equipped with refrigerators and air conditioning units of foreign production. However on them domestic refrigerators and air conditioning units are installed.

The data obtained during public prosecutor's check confirmed existence in actions of officials of department of the Smolensk region on health care of signs of corpus delicti in this connection materials of check are directed to investigating bodies for the solution of a question of criminal prosecution. Based on their consideration criminal case according to Part 1.1 of Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the negligence which entailed causing especially major damage) is brought.

According to the system of state procurements, in 2019 the Department of the Smolensk region on health care was twice bought by mobile mobile complexes with completion dates of contracts till December 31, 2019. One of them – delivery of mobile mammographic complexes to the amount of 64.5 million rubles.  The Kursk company "Region-service" appears the contractor of the contract.

In September, 2018 Smolensk depzdrav bought four mobile medical complexes based on  the KamAZ car. This purchase cost 74 million rubles to the regional budget. The complete set of complexes exactly also did not correspond to certificates.[1]
