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Janssen of Intelens (etravirin), Intelence (etravirine)

Developers: Janssen J&J
Last Release Date: 2020/06/15

2020: Registration of dosages of 25 mg and 100 mg for HIV-positive patients of children's age in Russia

On June 15, 2020 it became known that Janssen, the division of pharmaceutical goods of Johnson & Johnson LLC, announced expansion of indications on use of the medicine Intelens (etravirin) for treatment of the infection caused by a human immunodeficiency virus – VICh-1 (in combination with other antiretroviral medicines) at children from 6 years.


On May 12, 2020 the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved dosages of Intelens medicine: 25 mg and 100 mg. Intelens – NNIOT of the second generation for therapy of an infection of VICh-1 at children is more senior than 6 years.

Expansion of indications is based on results of the 48 weeks research PIANO which was a part of the approved plan of researches of the medicine Intelens in pediatric population of HIV-positive patients.

One of priority activities of Janssen is fight against HIV. The medicine Intelens is present at Russian the market more than 10 years and we are glad that now it is available to patients of children's age, – comments Katerina Pogodina, the managing director of Janssen Russia and CIS, the CEO of Johnson & Johnson LLC – This indication expands possibilities of treatment of children with HIV infection who received antiretroviral medicines earlier and need correction of the scheme of therapy.

HIV infection – slowly progressing disease caused by a human immunodeficiency virus. The virus is multiplied in immune cages and causes their death and an immunodeficiency. Even at complete suppression of reproduction the virus remains in depot therefore completely it is impossible to get rid of it, unfortunately. Nevertheless, in the world the set of the medicines operating on different stages of lifecycle of a virus is developed. They allow to keep it in dejectedness, to save the immune system and to prevent development of an immunodeficiency. The maximum result requires treatment throughout all life. Janssen, pharmaceutical companies Johnson&Johnson, aims to offer patients quality, innovation, most effective and safe medicines which will allow them to lead full-fledged life.