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The PEAK bought 3 thousand licenses of a monitoring system of load of personnel and a time recording of Crocotime

Customers: PEAK Group

Contractors: Infomaximum
Product: CrocoTime Program of a time recording

Project date: 2019/11  - 2020/05
Number of licenses: more than 3000

2020: CrocoTime implementation

PIK Group with the beginning of a pandemic of a coronavirus made the decision on expansion of number of licenses of a monitoring system of load and a time recording of Crocotime of Infomaximum company. The company purchased over 3 thousand licenses, having increased number of the employees connected to a system are over 5 thousand people almost twice. It became known on June 25, 2020.

According to the manager of projects of the company Alexey Belyakov who is engaged in the Distant employee project an operation mode "out of office" for a part of employees PIK Group exists already for a long time. In many respects it is connected with specifics of work of both individual employees, and divisions of the company in general. Due to growth of volumes of construction and housing put into operation and the corresponding growth of the group, the number of the personnel using a remote operation mode surely increased.

Being the socially responsible company and following decrees of the government on observance of quarantine measures in connection with spread of a koronavirusny infection, transferred to PIK Group the most part of the employees who directly are not occupied on construction to remote work. And, the company even before introduction of official measures of Russian authorities started this process that allowed to complete it in the shortest possible time.

In PIK Group the product of the Russian company of Infomaximum developer – Crocotime became a control system of activity of employees and the used equipment. Alexey Belyakov noted that when choosing a system simplicity of setup and implementation in already existing was the key requirement IT infrastructure. Integration with Active Directory significantly simplifies system deployment, especially at a large number of employees. Key algorithm time management of Crocotime functions without essential technical difficulties. A system has the attractive license policy and a first line support of vendor on the arising questions.

Crocotime of Infomaximum company provides information on key indicators of the employee – the current loading, including processings and defects, monitoring of the used programs, derivations, sheets. Using these indicators it is possible to make a full-fledged picture of day of the employee in the volume sufficient for acceptance of management decisions by heads of business divisions. Also one of significant effects was detection of discrepancies of the used software of a position of the employee and to corporate standards.

PIK Group considers the possibility of further transfer of personnel to "udalenka", noting economic aspects which on the one hand allow to reduce costs for office infrastructure, but certainly conduct with another to additional load of IT departments for ensuring working capacity and implementation of functionality[1].
