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Bykova Love
Bykova Love


2021: 4 years of prison for bribes

At the beginning of February, 2021 the court pronounced a sentence to the former chief physician of the Regional Clinical Hospital (RCH) of Vladimir Lyubov Bykova on the case of corruption. She was found guilty of commission of the crimes provided by the item "" Part 5 of Article 290, the Paragraph "in" of Part 5 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Taking of bribes in a large size").

According to TASS with reference to investigation department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation across the Vladimir region, court found Bykova guilty of taking of bribes for the amount of 950 thousand rubles and imposed it imprisonment for a period of four years with serving in corrective colony of ordinary regime and a penalty in the amount of 2 million rubles. Besides, she is forbidden to hold certain positions within three years.

The ex-chief physician of the Vladimir hospital Lyubov Bykova was sentenced to 4 years of prison for bribes

In income of the state 1.45 million rubles received by it are also exacted from condemned. The prosecutor's office of the Vladimir region specified that received 950 thousand rubles of Bykov "for elimination of potential competitors and creation of other favorable conditions which allowed unfair entrepreneurs to overestimate (in comparison with real market) the cost of the medical equipment", and 500 more thousand rubles – from the same companies for providing their victory in biddings on delivery of electropacemakers and supplies for department of X-ray surgical methods of diagnostics and treatment of experimental design bureau.

According to the investigation, by the manipulations limiting competition conditions in the market of provision of services through the Moscow company for the Vladimir regional clinical hospital the tomograph at inflated price was purchased. The damage to the regional budget, by a preliminary estimate, could be about 20 million rubles.

Lyubov Bykova's lawyers asked court not to imprison her. The former chief physician of the Vladimir hospital of ambulance Evgeny Yaskin and his deputy got off with probations for similar crimes.[1]

2020: Recognition of fault in taking of a bribe about 1.5 million rubles

On June 25, 2020 the procurator of the Vladimir region announced that the former chief physician of Regional clinical hospital Vladimira Lyubov Bykova admitted guilt in taking of a bribe about 1.5 million rubles for violations when tendering on the national Health care project.

According to the investigators, from August, 2018 to October of the 2019th Lyubov Bykova in antitrust violation and legislations on purchases of goods for the state needs, ensured a victory of specific commercial firm in an electronic auction on delivery to hospital of the computer tomograph worth over 72 million rubles. As a result the equipment was purchased at inflated price. Damages to the regional budget are assessed at 4 million rubles.

The second episode of "cooperation" of Bykova with the same commercial structure belongs to July, 2019 when the chief physician, according to the investigation, received 500 thousand rubles for assistance in biddings according to the delivery contract of electropacemakers and supplies for department of X-ray surgical methods of diagnostics and treatment of hospital.

Real estate with an accused cost more than 1.5 million rubles is arrested. The woman completely admitted the guilt, reported in the State Office of Public Prosecutor. The October district court of Vladimir will be engaged in consideration of the case.

Investigation criminal case against heads of commercial firms upon plunder in the fraudulent way of budget money by the end of June, 2020 is not complete.

Concerning the chief physician criminal cases according to Part 5 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Taking of bribes in a large size") and also Part 1 of Article 285 ("Abuse of office") were brought.

Lyubov Bykova waited for end of investigation on the matter in the pre-trial detention center of the city of Kolchugino while persons involved in criminal cases on corruption purchases in hospital of ambulance "Red cross" were placed under house arrest.[2]
