C-MES is Collaborative Manufacturing Execution System - One of models of a system of operational production management
with-MES (Collaborative Manufacturing Execution System) — one of models of a system of operational production management describing production systems, the principles of their organization and functionality in interaction with a supply chain. This model describes production systems, the principles of their organization and functionality in interaction with a supply chain. It has extremely important practical value because it is constructed taking into account features of development of the industry, the shift of accents from ERP to SCM and also new production tasks in modern global economy.
It is created in 2004 by consortium MESA on the basis of model MESA-11. The basic model MESA-11 was simplified: from it the functions relating to systems are removed ERP and SCM (such as means of document flow, management tools maintenance and repair of the equipment, means of production planning), and interaction of production information systems is reoriented on management systems for supply chains. In terms of practical application this model first of all is interesting to the specialists making decisions on implementation of the systems of a class ERP MES SCM , etc. It allows to formulate more precisely those functions which should be implemented at each level of management.
After carrying out a number of researches in the field of software by developers of this model detected the following patterns:
- Means of document flow were put forward in separate category and now seldom are implemented in MES systems;
- Management tools also or are implemented by maintenance and repair of the equipment in the form of the separate systems of the class EAM, or are modules as a part of ERP;
- Means of production planning developed into the independent class Advanced Planning & Scheduling (APS);
- Information exchange concentrates in the field of problems of supply chain management less more and more — in interconnection area of high-level and low-level (shop) ICs.
As a result basic MESA-11 model was simplified: from it functions which belonged to ERP systems and SCM were removed, and interaction of production ICs was reoriented on management systems for supply chains.
with - MES - a system (Collabortive Manufacturing Execution System) still is the western innovation in Russia. In order that the enterprise was ready to the global competition, effective interaction between production processes and also processes of the enterprise in general is necessary. The solution of this task ─ a main objective of management systems for the joint production (Collabortive MES or with-MES). with-MES ─ the main part of the concept of the joint production (operational production management in real time). Application the practician of the joint production basic processes for ensuring quality of products, their lifecycle help manufacturing enterprises to optimize a chain of creation of added value for achievement of the maximum profit. The task with-MES consists in giving the chance to all interested persons, to divisions of the enterprise to work jointly, making decisions on the basis of the data obtained in real time. The model of a management system for the joint production, or with-MES, includes components which implement eight basic functions and interact with other information systems and personnel, both in the company, and out of it.
On statistical data with-MES provides: decrease in duration of a cycle of production on average by 45%; reduction of time of data entry for 75%; quantities of incomplete products for 24%; decrease in volume of the paper reporting between changes on average for 61%; reduction of production cycle time on average for 27%; defects volume on average for 18%; excess paper documentation for 56%.
With - MES - systems available in Russia