Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2010/05/12 11:59:37

IDEF0 Standard of the specification of the software

In IDEF0 to the chart rectangles designate actions, activities (activities) which are marked with the corresponding verb or a verbal form.


Shooters, different resources are marked. There are five types of the arrows grouped in their attitudes towards specific activities.

  • Input Arrow (Entrance arrow). Input data are transformed by activity during the week-end. It is possible that some activities can not have entrance arrows. They treat the left side of a rectangle on chart IDEF0.
  • Control Arrow (Managing arrow). The controls regulating as, when and on what conditions the activity works. They belong to a top surface of a rectangle of IDEF0.
  • Output Arrow (Output arrow). The output data - result of work of activity. Each activity should have, at least, one output arrow. They treat the right side of a rectangle of IDEF0.
  • Mechanism Arrow (Arrow of the mechanism). Mechanisms are resources or systems which make action. They belong to a bottom side of a rectangle of IDEF0.
  • Call Arrow (Arrow of a call). The link to the attached model which is some sort integrity.

Charts IDEF0 are semblance of dataflow diagrams at the same time. Serious difference of this standard from others is its tough spetsifitsirovannost thanks to which processing and assessment of such charts is executed completely automatically. It is well visible that chart IDEF0 are simple and clear even to the experts who do not have relations to programming, but, at the same time, they are powerful and universal remedy of the description of models. Best of all charts of this kind are applicable to the description of processes in business and production.

The weight assessment based on IDEF0 standard

Each rectangle on IDEF0 chart designates by itself a certain action (activity). Activities can be connected among themselves by the different relations.

Let's consider two of them: the relation of FOL (following - when an input of one activity is an exit another), and the relation of POF (a part of - when several activities hierarchically abstract to one activity, being its components). Existence already of these two ratios gives possibilities of the wide analysis. Let's assume that some weight assessment, for example, price or temporary is attributed to each activity. Then weight assessment of the activity including other activities on the relation of POF turns out as the amount of all activities of the bottom level. On the contrary, if there is temporary assessment of activities, then the general time required for accomplishment of all activities connected by the relation of FOL is calculated as the amount of runtime of each of activities.

Thanking only such means of the analysis, it is possible to reveal a critical path on time in process or to find activities for which accomplishment the maximum quantity of means is spent. The analysis is automatic, and, there is a possibility of animation of model and viewing accomplishment of activities in real time. BPWin, thus, is the classical upper CASE system intended for optimization by different parameters of models of the processes connected with costs of time and other resources.