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SATs Ministry of Energy implemented a backup system and data protection on the basis of the solution "Akronis Data Protection"

Customers: SATs Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Situational analytical center)


Contractors: Acronis-Infoprotect
Product: Acronis Data protection

Project date: 2020/06  - 2020/06

2020: Implementing solution "Akronis Data Protection"

On July 3, 2020 the Akronis ITProtect company reported that the solution "Akronis Data Protection" provides protection of crucial information in Situational analytical center of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (SATs Ministry of Energy).

SATs Ministry of Energy needed the solution for any protection of information. First of all it is the data ensuring functioning of the persons on duty performing monitoring and accumulating primary information on emergencies. The second complex – information arriving from the companies of fuel and energy complex. It concerns a status of objects of energy industry, preparation for winter, etc. At last, the third information complex is made by data of a geographic information system in which objects of fuel and energy complex within creation and support of federal schemes of territorial planning of the Russian Federation in the field of power and pipeline transport are processed. All these data are important for ensuring execution of the state task of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. Respectively to their safety and availability high requirements are imposed. Besides, an important factor is also confidentiality of information. Its providing – one more important task of SATs Ministry of Energy.

Information accumulated by SATs is stored on the servers located in the Data Processing Center (DPC). Therefore the restoration system capable to recover at once all amount of data is important for the customer. Considering a continuous duty of work, also recovery speed in case of possible incidents in infrastructure of the Center is not less important.

"Before acquisition of the solutions "Akronis of ITProtect" we used the means of backup which are a part of operating and information systems. Besides, on several computers freely extended means of reservation of data were set. Did not suit us in these systems – setup of plans of creation of backup copies of data and their recovery, data processing was too difficult and inconvenient, and the speed of copying and recovery did not correspond to standards in any way. Could not accept we similar tools from the "formal" point of view: important section of work as data protection, we charged to the entrusted solution provider",

it is sounded in SATs Ministry of Energy

Selecting "Akronis Zashchita Dannykh" in SATs Ministry of Energy were guided in addition to other factors by need of fulfillment of requirements on acquisition of the software of the Russian origin. This solution is a part of the Register of domestic software and is available to acquisition by state bodies of the Russian Federation.

The choice for benefit of products of Akronis ITProtect company was accepted proceeding from their opportunities not only to create backup copies of data, but to recover them in short terms. It requires permanent readiness and data availability which the staff of SATs Ministry of Energy should make available to the management, and an opportunity to recover them literally "on the fly" was defining for the customer.

At last, readiness of Akronis ITProtect company for fulfillment of requirements of the state customers, within participation in procurement procedures and preparation of competitive technical and financial proposals in auction documentation became an important factor of the choice of the supplier, noted in SATs Ministry of Energy.

For July, 2020 for data protection of SATs Ministry of Energy uses two solutions from Akronis Infozashchita. Information generated by information systems of organization is stored in DPC of the Ministry of Energy and for its backup "Akronis Zashchita Dannykh" is applied to the virtualization platform. Besides, in the Center by means of technologies "Akronis ITProtect" also more than 60 workstations of the employees working with crucial information are protected. "Akronis Zashchita Dannykh" is for this purpose applied to workstations.

"It would be strange to provide backup of a server part and not to take care of those data which are available at workstations of employees. Therefore on all jobs which are out of the protected circuit of our infrastructure we set solutions for reservation and data recovery",

noted in SATs Ministry of Energy

Deployment "Akronis Zashchita Dannykh" in SATs Ministry of Energy occupied three working days. It was performed by forces of own specialists. The Center notes that the help of service engineers of the supplier was not required: for installation and setup of the solution there are quite enough knowledge and skills of IT specialists of the customer.

Specialists of SATs Ministry of Energy note that "Akronis Zashchita Dannykh" provides the intuitive interface which is not demanding from users of special preparation and allowing to carry out quickly setup of the solution. Speed of copying of data ensures continuous functioning of the center.