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"Биорг" automated processing of credit folders for Capital AVD using AI

Customers: Capital AVD - Agency on return of debts

Moscow; Consulting, including managerial and personnel

Contractors: Beorg (Biorg)
Product: Beorg Smart Vision
На базе: Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)

Project date: 2019/12  - 2020/06

2020: Implementation of Beorg Smart Vision

The Biorg company, the Russian developer of intelligent systems based on neural networks and machine learning, announced on July 7, 2020 project completion on digitization of credit folders and automatic formation of a document package for giving in judicial authorities. The collection agency "Capital AVD" acted as the customer.

The high level of demand for services of the agency provoked increase in archive of credit folders on paper carriers therefore process of submission of documents in court became complicated. Because of the large volume of documents and manual entry of information in Capital AVD not always managed to process all entering addresses from clients in time and precisely. In situations when there were typos at data entry, the court refused to take cognizance of documents. Instead of expansion of the state the decision to automate preprocessing of requests and filling of a standard set of documents using Beorg Smart Vision was made.

Beorg Smart Vision is the integrated online platform which allows to process different objects and data with special accuracy, thanks to a method of double processing (neural networks plus crowdsourcing service). Project implementation for Capital AVD based on the platform took place in several stages: at the beginning scans of documents (passports, a TIN, references of NBKI) by means of Beorg Smart Vision service were distinguished and checked for completeness, and the electronic register with spaced data for independent loading by the client in a system formed further. With its help Capital AVD can quickly prepare a complete document package for giving in court. At each stage the correctness of data is verified as according to databases, and visually by operators of crowdsourcing service "Biorg".

Thanks to Beorg Smart Vision about 1 million pages of documents are digitized and transferred to an electronic format, and the number of the prepared credit folders increased to 1,500 in day.

the Project allowed us to optimize significantly work of the agency, to save wage fund and to reduce the cost of processing of a set of documents almost five times, – the business analyst of Capital AVD Kostikova Marina comments on news. – So, if earlier nearly an hour on preparation of one file was required for us, then now time of processing was reduced to 15 minutes.


Recently we note significant increase in demand for automation of routine processes in the financial sphere. The project with Capital AVD is evident confirmation of how the artificial intelligence helps business to construct more flexible and convenient model of work with the client, having improved indicators of key processes, – the sales director and to business development of "Biorg" Alexander Korobov reported.