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State examination for the first time considered BIM model of an oil-extracting complex

Customers: Gazpromneft Noyabrskneftegaz

Noyabrsk; Mineral extraction

Product: BIM projects

Project date: 2020/04  - 2020/07

2020: State examination for the first time considered BIM model of an oil-extracting complex

Glavgosekspertiza of Russia for the first time considered in July, 2020 an information model of arrangement of the oil field, says the organization. As pilot the project of a well cluster No. 270 of the Ety-Purovsky field was selected from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. Mining is conducted by JSC Gazpromneft Noyabrskneftegaz. The information model was prepared by PF Uraltruboprovodstroyproyekt LLC.

"the Ety-Purovsky field — not the first experience of use of digital technologies in fuel and energy complex of Russia, but is industry-first attempt to provide results of information modeling in addition to the project documentation and results of the engineering researches provided for state examination" — the head of department of objects of a power complex and production appointment of Glavgosekspertiza of Russia Alexey Serebryakov explained.

The information model considered by experts represented set as the graphic data which are including 3D - the image, and not graphic, including attributive information on subject to design. The model contained data on a land relief, engineering networks, pipelines, architectural and construction elements and other constructions and also the equipment of a projectible well cluster. According to the results of assessment notes and recommendations for further project work with an information model were formulated, the report says.

The BIM model reduces terms of consideration of the project documentation and also simplifies work of experts as gives the chance to consider objects layer-by-layer, separately in each direction, including the bases, pipeline systems, the locking equipment under pressure and other components of objects of the increased danger, specialists note.

At the same time, to make this practice universal, it is necessary to finish a regulatory framework. "Creation of the qualifier of construction information and development of uniform requirements for implementation of digital model for conducting examination of projects of an oil and gas complex — one of the main objectives which should be solved with participation of Ministry of Construction and Ministry of Energy in the nearest future" — the deputy chief of Glavgosekspertiza Vladimir Vernigor emphasized.