Customers: Top media Tomsk; Information technologies Contractors: Satory Consultings Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2019/11 - 2020/03
Number of licenses: 30
2020: Automation of accounting of production and implementation of media complexes for public transport
The project "Automation of accounting of production and implementation of media complexes for public transport based on "1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise management 2" in Topmedia LLC was begun by Satori Partnyor LLC company in November, 2019.
Within the project, the staff of Satori Partnyor LLC company together with with IT service of the Company carried out consulting works on implementation and improvement of the accounting system. The business processes which are subject to automation were formalized; requirements to the automated processes are selected, the general system architecture is specified.
On each subsystem of implementation jointly with service IT of the Company, the full stroke of project works was spent:
- Design of the module (creation of a test example, detection of the list of possible completions, their classification on obligatory, desirable, but which can be postponed for the second queue, and useful, but which can be postponed for longer period).
- Preparation of a prototype of the module (development of terms of reference, its program implementation, internal tests, correction of a prototype by their results).
- Preparation for start-up of a system in trial operation (preparation of the user documentation, training of the selected key staff).
- Experienced - commercial operation (joint tests, correction of a prototype and documentation on their results, start in the current work with dense support of specialists of the contractor on the first line, corrections of a prototype on the revealed inaccuracies, drawing up the list of new requirements and wishes for inclusion in the second or the subsequent queues).
Results of this implementation project:
- Reduction of average time of procedures of closing of one period by 4 times from 20 to 5 o'clock.
- Use of business processes as it is provided by developer – 1C.
- The effective management of the enterprise for the main business processes increased.
- Labor costs on obtaining operational summary information in the business directions of the Company decreased.
- Accuracy of cost accounting and profitability analysis of production increased.
- Premises for further improvement of an enterprise management system were created.