Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Friendship of the People Nova (1C: Management of flour-grinding, cereal, formula-feed and oil and fat production. The module for 1C:ERP and 1C: KA2)

Customers: Friendship of the People Is new

Agriculture and fishery

Contractors: Bing Perm
Product: 1C: Management of flour-grinding, cereal, formula-feed and oil and fat production. The module for 1C:ERP and 1C: KA2

Project date: 2019/05  - 2019/10
Number of licenses: 20

2019: Automation of accounting based on 1S:UMKKMP. The module for 1C:ERP and 1C: KA2

The sales department of Binom LLC regularly did information mailing on base of potential clients. The management of JSC Druzhba Narodov Nova became interested in industry module 1S:MKKMP and requested the product presentation.

After holding the presentation of functionality of industry module 1S:MKKMP by developers of Binom LLC for the potential Customer and detailed answers to questions, the Customer made the decision on acquisition and implementation of this industry module.

As the reasons for automation system implementation at the Customer the lack of functionality for conducting quantitative and high-quality accounting and intra elevator accounting served. Before implementation 1S:UMKKMP the client kept industry account in tables of Excel.

Purposes of implementation 1S:UMKKMP: automate quantitative and high-quality accounting and intra elevator accounting and also automate the related sections of the main accounting in 1C:ERP.

The specifics of works consist available a number of industry standards which support is absent in main system 1C:ERP.

The main economic effect consists in reduction of time for processing of a document flow and also considerable reduction of the user errors connected with repeated information input, reduction of manual transactions.