Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Head department of state examination (Glavgosekspertiza of Russia FAU) (1C: Holding Management)

Customers: Head department of state examination (Glavgosekspertiza of Russia FAU)

Contractors: Mkskom
Product: 1C: Holding Management
На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2019/07  - 2019/12
Number of licenses: 160

2019: Creation and implementation of an automated system of budgeting based on software of 1C: Holding Management

The choice of the solution and the partner for implementation it was made within the competitive procedure. When choosing experience of the partner in creation and implementation of automated systems of budgeting was considered.

Premises of implementation of an automated system of budgeting (further – ASB) were:

  • Not standardized versions of plans which formed in separate workplaces and as result, lack of a uniform reliable source of information;
  • Long recalculation of consolidated budgets in files of Excel;
  • Manual formation the plan fact of the analysis of execution of the Plan of financial and economic activity (further – PFHD);
  • Manual formation of the payment schedule on branches, managements of central office and Organization in general.

Within the project works on collecting, systematization of requirements to development of a 1C system were carried out : Management of holding and also works on development and deployment of functionality which does not enter a framework of a standard configuration.

The following tasks were set:

  • Possibility of scenario modeling of plans and budgets of FAU "Glavgosekspertiza of Russia".
  • Ensuring consolidation of information on planned and actual financial and non-financial targets according to an organizational functional structure of subordination of FAU "Glavgosekspertiza of Russia".
  • Ensuring control of operational tracking of accomplishment of budgets (receipts and payments of money, income and expenses for charge) at all levels of management of Organization on all the CFD and by MVZ.
  • A possibility of the analysis of the actual execution of plans and budgets within a budgeting system of FAU "Glavgosekspertiza of Russia".
  • A possibility of entering of adjustments into plans and budgets of FAU "Glavgosekspertiza of Russia" on the basis of operating control (monitoring) of execution of budgets (control of limits, formation of the payment schedule, the plan fact the analysis, creation of flexible analytical reports, the forecast of execution).

During the project operation of two main units was optimized: "Planning" and Treasury.

Automation of the Planning block was performed taking into account specifics of autonomous Organizations and allowed to achieve the following results:

  • In ASB 45 report types are configured;
  • The possibility of manual filling of data entry forms, on the basis of copying of data from a previous period and also using loading from Excel templates is implemented.
  • Ranking officers of Organization had an opportunity of the operational automated calculation of PFHD and 10 Budgets according to the approved local regulations of Organization.
  • Automatic formation of PFHD, the Budget of cash flow, the Budget of the movement of expenses for Branches, Central office and Organization allows to exclude errors which arose at manual recalculation of data.
  • Approval of forms along the set route in a single system allowed to exclude confusion in versions of the approved budgets.
  • After the statement of PFHD for the next financial year in ASB information on the approved planned values is unloaded in 1C: Budget Institution Accounting (further - the IC BGU) by means of integration interaction. On the basis of the transferred information in the IC BGU postings on business accounts on plan assignments are created.
  • Unloading of the plan in the IC BGU allows to exclude manual entry of data by accountants (64 documents at each change of the plan).
  • Scenario modeling which allows to copy any version of the budget is implemented, to change information on expenses or income and to instantly analyze potential options of development of Organization.
  • Automatic loading of the fact from the IC BGU and carrying out the plan fact of the analysis allows to estimate execution of budgets quickly.

Automation of functional unit Treasury (the following subsystems 1C: Holding Management 8 enter: Contract management, Control of payments) allowed to provide automation of the following processes:

  • Control of a funds expenditure. ASB provides reservation of a limit within the agreement that in the subsequent excludes an overexpenditure of money. The subsequent payment of money is controlled within the reserved limit.
  • Automatic creation of requests for payment on the basis of reservations of the budget (the payment schedule under the agreement).
  • Formation of the payment schedule on the basis of the approved limits, reservation documents and actual data for control of liquidity and balances in cash.
  • The analysis of the payment schedule, formation of additional analytical reports on control of limits and the actual execution of planned targets.
  • Formation of revenues of the payment schedule is performed automatically on the basis of data which are loaded from the AIS "Glavgosekspertiza" (Naumen platform) in which the customer carries out the accounting of the rendered services.
  • Formation of a reserve for charge of percent on not reduced cumulative remaining balance on checking accounts of Organization.
  • Formation of a reserve for holding auctions for placement of money on deposits in authorized banks.
  • Formation of the diagram of receipts on the accrued interest from placement of money by banks.
  • Specialists who work with profitable agreements can create the report on actual receipts of money. Earlier reports formed accountants manually.