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2010/05/24 16:45:11

Turing's award

Turing's award (engl. Turing Award) — the most prestigious award in information science handed by Association for Computing Machinery for an outstanding scientific and technical contribution in this area.

Status and order of award

The award is founded by Association for Computing Machinery in honor of the outstanding English scientist Alan Turing who received the first deep results concerning computability long before emergence of the first electronic computers.

The award is annually handed to one or several specialists in the field of information science and ADP equipment whose deposit in this area had a strong and long impact on computer community. The award can be awarded to one person no more once. In the field of information technologies Turing's award has the status similar to the Nobel Prize in the academic sciences. For the first time Turing's Award was awarded in 1966 to Alan Perlis for development of technology of creation of compilers.

Now the award is sponsored by corporations Intel and Google and makes 250,000 US dollars.

Winners of an award of Turing

Year Winner Award reason
Alan J. Perlis За его влияние в области обобщенных техник programming and constructions of compilers
Maurice Vincent Wilks Professor Wilks is most of all known as designer EDSAC, the first computer allowing internal storage of programs. Constructed in 1949, EDSAC used memory on delay circuits. It is also known, in collaboration with Viller and Gill as the author of the book "Preparation of Programs for Electronic Digital Computers", 1951 in whom the most important concept of library is entered
Richard Hamming За работы в области numerical methods, automatic coding systems, codes of determination and correction of errors
Marvin Minsky Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
James Hardy Wilkinson For its researches in the field of the numerical analysis which were promoting use of high-speed digital computers, were of particular importance in the light of its works on calculations in a linear algebra and to the "return" error analysis
John IAC Carti Лекция доктора Мак-Карти «Современное состояние исследований по to artificial intelligence" covers the state of affairs in area which is obliged by many significant progress to its works
Edsger Dijkstra Эдсгеру Дейкстре принадлежит значительный вклад в конце 1950-х годов в разработку языка АЛГОЛ, язык программирования высокого уровня, ставший воплощением ясности и математической строгости. Он один из ярчайших представителей науки и искусства языков программирования во всей их общности, а также человек во многом способствовавший пониманию их структуры, представления и реализации. Его публикации в течение пятнадцати лет охватывают широкий спектр тем от теоретических статей по graph theories to the basic managements, descriptions and philosophical reflections in the field of programming languages
Charles Bachmann За его выдающийся вклад в технологии databases
Donald Cnut For its huge contribution to the analysis of algorithms, development of programming languages, and in particular for creation of widely known series of books under the general name "Programming Art"
Allen Newell and Herbert Simon Their common efforts within twenty years, in the beginning together with J.K. Shaw, as a part of RAND corporation, afterwards together with the faculty and student's groups of the Carnegie Mellon university, were marked by a fundamental deposit to artificial intelligence, psychology of mechanisms of human perception and list processing
Michael Rabin and Dana Scott За их общую статью под названием «Конечные автоматы и проблема разрешимости для них», в которой была предложена идея non-deterministic automaton, the concept which proved afterwards the exclusive value. Them, become classical, article was an inspiration source for many subsequent works in this area
John Backus За его глубокий, продолжительный и оказавший большое влияние вклад в проектирование практических высокоуровневых программных систем, в частности за его работу над языком FORTRAN, и его оригинальную публикацию по формализации спецификаций programming languages
Robert Floyd For its undoubted influence on methodology of creation of the effective and reliable software and for its help in formation of such fields of computer sciences as the theory of parsing, semantics of programming languages, automatic verification of programs, automatic synthesis of programs, and the analysis of algorithms
Iverson, Kenneth For its pioneer work in the field of programming languages and mathematical record having result what now is known among specialists as APL, for its contribution to implementation of interactive systems, use of APL in the educational purposes and also in the theory and practice of programming languages
Ch. Antony R. Hoare For its fundamental contribution to determination and development of programming languages
Edgar Kodd За его фундаментальный и продолжительный вклад в теорию и практику систем управления базами данных, в особенности relational type
Stephen Arthur Cook For the significant progress made by it in understanding of complexity of calculations. Its work put a basis of the theory of NP completeness. Of properties and borders of this class became Isslednovaniye one of the most important directions of the theory of computing systems for the last ten years
Ken Thompson and Denis M. Ritchey За разработку общей теории operating systems and in particular for creation of Unix
Nicklaus Wirth For development of a series of the innovation computer languages EULER ALGOL-W, MODULA and PASCAL
Richard M. Carp За его продолжительный вклад в теорию алгоритмов, в том числе за разработку эффективных алгоритмов для потоков на сетях и других комбинаторных оптимизационных задач, сопоставление вычислений полиномиальной сложности с интуитивным понятием эффективности, и, самое главное, за вклад в теорию NP completeness
John Hopkroft and Robert Taryan For fundamental achievements in the development area and the analysis of algorithms and data structures
John Kok For an outstanding contribution to design and the theory of compilers, architecture of the big systems and development of RISC computers
Ayven Sutherland За его пионерский и дальновидный вклад в computer graphics, beginning from the invention of Sketchpada, but not coming to an end with it
William Kekhen For its fundamental contribution to the numerical analysis. One of the first experts in calculations from a floating comma. Kekhen also devoted himself to a task "make the world safe for numerical calculations"
Fernando H. Korbato For its pioneer work on creation of the concept and management of developments on creation of all-direct, large-scale computer systems with time sharing and resources CTSS and Multics
Robin Milner For three different full achievements: 1) LCF the pruver automating proofs in logic of computable functions of Scott, apparently the first, the instrument of the automated designing of proofs constructed on the theoretical base and at the same time useful in practice; 2) The ML, first programming language the using polymorphic output of types together with the typified mechanism error handling; 3) CCS, general theory of competitive calculations. In addition, it formulated and developed complete abstraction, the theory about relations between the operating room and denotational semantikam
Butler In Lempson For a contribution to development of the distributed, personal computing environments and technology of their implementation: workstations, networks, operating systems, program systems, displays, security and exchange of documents
Yurius Hartmanis and Richard E. Sterns В дань их основополагающим работам, обеспечившим базу theories of complexity of calculations."
Edward Feygenbaum and Ray Reddi For pioneer developments and creation of the large-scale systems of artificial intelligence and demonstration of practical importance and a potential commercial benefit from the technologies using artificial intelligence
Manuel Blum In a tribute to their works on the bases of the theory of complexity of calculations and to its application to cryptography and verification of programs
Amir Pnuyeli For fruitful work on implementation of temporal logic in computing sciences, and for an outstanding contribution to verification of programs and systems
Douglas Engelbart For inspiring prediction of the future of development of interactive calculations and the invention of the key technologies helping to implement this anticipation
Jim Gray For the fundamental ideas in the field of databases, researches of transaction processing and technical leadership in implementation of systems.
Frederik F. Brooks, Ml. За исторически значимый вклад в computer architecture, operating systems, and software design.
Andrew Chi-Chi Yao In a tribute to its fundamental contribution to the theory of calculations including, based on a concept of complexity of calculation, the theory of generation of pseudorandom numbers, cryptography, and communication complexity
To Oliya-Joan Dal Kristen Nigaard's and За идеи, фундаментальные для развития object-oriented programming, arisen during development of programming languages Simula I and Simula 67
Ronald L. Rivest, Shamir, Adie and Leonard M. Adelman За уникальный вклад по увеличению практической пользы encryption systems with public key
Alan Kaye За многочисленные новаторские идеи, которые легли в основу современных object-oriented languages, the management of development team of the Smalltalk language and for a fundamental contribution to development of the region of the PC
Vinton Serf and Robert Kan За пионерскую работу по проблеме межсетевого обмена (англ. internetworking), включая разработку и реализацию основных The Internet protocol|Internet protocols, TCP/IP and for the leading role in area of computer networks
Peter Naur For a fundamental contribution to design of programming languages and creation of ALGOL language 60 and also to design of compilers, and to art and technology of computer programming
Francis E. Allen За пионерский вклад в теорию и практику оптимизации компьютерных программ, послуживший основой для современных оптимизирующих компиляторов и автоматическому to rasparalellivaniye programs
Edmund M. Clark, Allan Emerson and Joseph Sifakis For their role in development of check of models in highly effective technology of verification of programs which is widely applied when developing as program and the hardware