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2010/05/25 15:39:31

Structural pseudo-code

Structural pseudo-code  — language for the description of algorithms and documentation of the computer programs. The structural pseudo-code was thought up by Harlan Mills, the employee of IBM for documentation of the computer programs written in the most different programming languages.


In programming the Structural Pseudo-code for training in structured design of programs at a computer at the BASIC languages, Pascale, Si is widely used. The structural Pseudo-code is described in several textbooks by information science and programming - Kaiming, Nechayev, Piterkin  , etc.

The structural pseudo-code is widely used by professional programmers for documentation of software. In particular IBM corporation uses a structural pseudo-code for documentation of all software in this corporation since  1972.

In textbooks by information science the structural pseudo-code was for the first time entered in the first high school textbook by information science (Kaiming, Piterkin, 1985) for the description of algorithms of solving of tasks on a computer and codings of programs on the BASIC.

Description of the Structural Pseudo-code

Principles of structured design of programs

in the BASIC languages, Pascale, Si, Javascript    , etc.

Set of structural compositions

  1. Sequences of actions
  2. Alternative choice of actions
  3. Cyclic repetition of actions
  4. Selection of functions and subprogrammes

Alternative choice of actions:

if (condition) that
to - if

cycle - so far

so far (condition) cycle
to - a cycle

Additional compositions

Cycle with the counter:

from k=1 to k=n a cycle

Cycle with exits:

cycle deystviya1;
at (condition) exit

Multialternative choice of actions:

if (usloviye1) that
inesl (usloviye2) that
turned sour

I apologize  — the local editor cuts off step record. Correctly issued algorithms on a structural pseudo-code and also examples of programs on the BASIC and Javascript need to be looked in information science texts of textbooks.

Advantages of the Structural Pseudo-code

Practice of use of the Pseudo-code in IBM corporation showed that the number of errors in programs and the software of IBM was reduced ten times from 2-3 errors by 100 operators to 2-3 errors on 1000 thousand operators.

At the Olympic Games and examinations in information science and programming volumes of programs seldom exceed 200 — 300 operators and therefore solving of tasks on a computer at structured design of algorithms and programs is usually reached for 2-3 start-up on a computer.

When training in programming volumes of programs seldom exceed 100 operators and usually are 20-30 operators therefore for the structured algorithms and programs of such volume of the program seldom contain errors and easily come to light in texts of algorithms in native Russian.

Training of technology of programming

Structural psevodokod is one of fixed assets of documentation of software in professional programming and training in information science at schools and universities.

Experience training of technology of programming was begun by us in 1978 in MIEM with students night-school students and students of older years of FPM - Faculty of Applied Mathematics of MIEM.

Work with studentamiv MIEM showed that professional programming of students in "the Software of a computer" needs to begin with the first rates.

Training in programming essentials

For this purpose the course of algorithmization in which for the description of algorithms the structural pseudo-code instead of flowcharts for documentation of the computer programs began to be used began to be offered students.

The main thing in training in programming was obligatory examinations with delivery of completely debugged programs up to on obtaining results of the solution of applied tasks on a computer

Training in programming using a structural pseudo-code was provided using the whole series of programming languages - the Fortran, PL1, the BASIC, Pascal both to the EU by the COMPUTER and on personal computers.

In 1984 the technology of structured design of programs using a structural pseudo-code was implemented in MIEM at all faculties for training of all students.

In 1985 the technology of structured design of programs using a pseudo-code was implemented in a course of information science for high schools and in teaching information science at all Moscow schools.

Training in evidential programming

But development and approbation of technology of evidential programming when students upon completion of debugging of programs began to write correctness proofs of the programs was the most important.

The main problem in programming is fight against errors in algorithms and programs which can be rbedit only using technologies of evidential programming and technology of the proof and exhaustive the analysis of correctness of algorithms and programs.

This technology of the proof and analysis of correctness of algorithms and programs is based on semantics of the structured algorithms and programs with an expanded set of rules of composition adopted in the modern language of programming of Si, the BASIC, Dzhava, RNR, etc.

Implementation of structured design of programs

The project of development of onboard software for the space Snow-storm project in which it was for the first time used an onboard computer for automatic control of the spaceship was the largest project of implementation of methods of structured design of programs.

the result of implementation of methods of structured design of onboard software was extremely successful - the Snow-storm spaceship under control of the on-board computer made avtomatichesy start and landing of the spaceship to Earth.

With the advent of personal computers training of technology of programming developed into training of technology of development of programs for personal computers up to development of software products.

See Also

information science

logic in information science




  1. Wakaiming. Information science: Textbook. M the 5th edition - INFRA-M,2008. 285 pages.

It is recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for students of universities.

  1. Wakaiming. Information science: Manual. the 2nd prod.  — M.,RIOR, 2008, 124 pages.
  2. Vakaaymin. Information science, the Textbook for school students. M.: Avenue, 2009. 272 pages.
  3. Wakaiming. Information science: Manual. a benefit for arriving. M, nuclear heating plant, 1996. 205 pages.
  4. Kaiming V.  A.  Methods of development of programs in languages vysy urvnya. M.MIEM, 1985.
  5. Kaiming V.  A.  Bases of Evidential Programming. M.: MIEM, 1987.

It is recommended by Goskomvuz for going to the universities

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