Customers: Kosulinsky abrasive plant Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: Smart-Soft Product: Smart-Soft: Traffic InspectorProject date: 2015/12 - 2015/12
Why selected Traffic Inspector?
In comparison with analogs, Traffic Inspector is the multifunction tool for protection of network and traffic observation. The software differs from Smart Software company in an ease of use, universality, multitasking and stable work. The product has optimal price relation and software opportunities.
What is the time it was required on Traffic Inspector implementation?
Taking into account use by the enterprise of a client-server system, Traffic Inspector it was installed directly on the server. On implementation of the program with all settings left only one day. Then functions became available to plant's management: regulations, distribution and traffic observation, in particular access rights restriction.
Traffic Inspector is implemented in workflow of the enterprise for three years. During operating time the software proved as the effective tool of network traffic control and protection of network. Steady and correct work of a product and also the simple user menu is separately mentioned. The Kosulinsky Abrasive plant received the multifunction tool for traffic observation, capable to effectively solve assigned tasks. It will allow administration of the plant to continue cooperation with Smartsoft company and to implement the new technologies contributing to business development in the work.