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Severstal had the Russia's first load-haul-dumper without driver

Customers: Yakovlevsky mine

Mineral extraction

Contractors: Sandvik MKTC

Project date: 2020/08

On August 3, 2020 it became known that Severstal had the Russia's first load-haul-dumper without driver. It is developed by Sandvik company and began to be used at Yakovlevsky  mining and processing works which is under control of Severstal company.

For implementation of an auto pilot on the vehicle set the control block and sensors defining distance to obstacles. In excavations optical fiber and high-speed network Wi-fi were laid. On a surface the workplace of the driver with the control panel is equipped.

Severstal had the Russia's first load-haul-dumper without driver

The first tests of the load-haul-dumper were carried out on the horizon minus the 395th meter. At remote control all transactions — loading and unloading of mountain weight, advance and back — are identical to those, as when finding the driver in a cabin. In the automatic mode control the machine is exercised without participation of the operator. A system provides safe movement on the preset trajectory, every second estimating a condition of an excavation and influencing controls of the load-haul-dumper.

The director of Yakovlevsky mining and processing works Egor Renyov called use of such technology significant breakthrough in increase in safety of production and performance improvement of the mine.

The driver will be able to manage the equipment from a convenient office that will exclude on it influence of harmful production factors. Use of the PDM automated control system will allow to perform work on shipment of ore from a face during airing of the mine after explosive works – in intervals between changes which make till 6 o'clock in day — he reported.

The load-haul-dumper is going to be used at shipment of the faces passed by a drilling-and-blasting method.[1]
