Customers: Bolt ru
Contractors: Ansoft Product: Avarda.ERPProject date: 2010/04 - 2011/02
In a project deliverable the company management of Bolt.Ru is going to increase effective management of the company, to lower the costs connected with purchase and the goods delivery and also to optimize warehouse logistics. Within the project in Bolt.Ru company all business processes connected with purchases, sales, pricing, financial and warehouse transactions will be automated.
For increase in loyalty of the existing customers and involvement of new clients the company management Bolt.Py is going to use actively various instruments of Enterprise resource planning of AVARDA – CRM functionality, retrobonuses for the period, discounts for a brand and groups of goods and also other opportunities. In parallel with implementation of the ERP system automation of the warehouse of Bolt.Ru company located in the Moscow region is planned. As a result of implementation in a warehouse of the AVARDA.WMS system full address accounting, accounting of packagings and vesoobjemny characteristics will be organized, work with channels of piece selection and other processes is automated.
Software products of AVARDA are selected by the customer thanks to the high performance, high-speed performance and the flexibility allowing to automate all main business processes. Besides, the ERP system of AVARDA has a powerful data replication engine that Bolt.Py will allow company management to obtain up-to-date and reliable information about work of all remote divisions.
The CEO of Bolt.Ru company Urazov Vladislav notes: "The AVARDA system will help us to optimize the main business processes and to obtain all necessary information for acceptance of management decisions. Using the implemented solution we expect to increase significantly management efficiency and to fix the positions in the market".
According to Nikolsky Yury, the Chief information officer of Bolt.Ru company, "the choice of the AVARDA system was preceded by rather long period of studying of the ERP systems presented at the market". "Within a year we in details got acquainted with almost all known automation systems and stopped the choice on the AVARDA system developed by Ansoft company. The functionality of the standard solution AVARDA most suits our company. Besides, the high scalability, performance and flexibility of the AVARDA system allows to look with optimism at the forthcoming project: the Bolt.Ru company continuously grows and develops, and it is very important for us that the AVARDA system quickly adapts to new business processes and the increasing loadings" - Yury Nikolskoy notes.